27 JAN 70
PFC Jackey V. Knighten (20) of Somerville, AL perished in Binh Duong Province.
Effective 1 September - Unit configurations
1st Bde 2nd Bde 3rd Bde
2-12 Inf 3-22 Inf 4-9 Inf
2-14 Inf (-) 1-5 Inf (M) 1-27 Inf
2-60 Inf 4-23 Inf (M) 2-27 Inf
1 Plt/3-4 Cav (OPCON) 1-8 Arty (105) (D) 2-22 Inf (M)
3-4 Cav B/65th Engr (DS) A/2-34 Arm (-) (OPCON)
7-11 Arty (105) (DS) 38th Sct Dog Plt (DS) B/3-13 Arty (155) (SP) GS)
C/3-13 Arty (155) (SP (GSR) 2-77 Arty (1-5) (DS ) A/65th Engr (DS) Div Arty 44th Sct Dog Plt (DS)
46th Sct Dog Plt (DS) D/3-13 Arty (8”) (SP) GS) D/65th Engr (DS)

January 1970
1st Bde: 2-34th Armor, 3-22nd, 4-9th, 4-23th (M), 7-11th Arty)
2nd Bde: 1-5th (M), 2-12th, 3-4 Cav, 1-8th Arty.
3rd Bde: 1-27th, 2-14th, 2-22nd (M), 2-27th, 2-77th Arty
February 1970 - Task Force II is formed and is OPCON'd to II FFV on March 2nd. It is part of the Cambodian Campaign design and was created to form a mobile strike force. Their operation rules allows them to penetrate 30 kilometers into Cambodia. Operation time frame, April 29th to June 30, 1970. The configurations of the brigades will be constantly changing throughout the year based on operational needs.
TF II: 4-9th, 1-27th, 2-34th Armor, B Troop 3-4th, 2nd Plt Co F 75th Rangers, 1-8th Arty
During the year the 2nd and 3rd Bde's 9th Div are OPCON'd to the 25th where they continue to support Operation Toan Thang IV. On Sept 8-10, the 3rd Bde 9th Div. is OPCON'd to USARV in preparation to return home and leave Vietnam.
Effective 1 October
1st Bde 2nd Bde 3rd Bde
2-12 Inf 3-22 Inf (+) 4-9 Inf (-) (+)
2-14 Inf (-) C/1-5 Inf (M) A/2-34 Arm (-)
2-34 Arm (-) (+) 2-27 Inf (-) (+) 1-27 Inf
B/2-14 Inf B/4-23 Inf (M) A/B/2-27 Inf (+)
3-4 Cav (-) 1-5 Inf (M) (-) (+) 1/A/2-34 Arm
D/3-4 Cav D/3-17 Air Cav 2-22 Inf (M)
7-11 Arty (105) (DS) 4-23 Inf (M) (-) 2-77 Arty (105) (DS)
C/3-13 Arty (155) (SP) (GSR) 1-8 Arty (105) (DS) B/3-13 Arty (155)
A/65th Engr (Ds) A/3-13 Arty (155) SP) (REINF) D/6th Engr (DS)
46th Sct Dog Plt (DS B/65th Engr (DS) 44th Sct Dog Plt (DS)
38th Sct dog Plt (DS)
Div Troops
11th Armd Cav Regt (-) 2-3 Inf Div Arty 1-1(illeg) Armd Cav Sqdn
F/75th Inf (RGR) (GS) D/3-13 Arty (8”) (SP) (GS) 2-1(illeg) Armd Cav Sqdn
25th Avn Bn OPCON 1st Air Cav
125th Sig Bn (GS) II FFV Arty 3-11 Armd Cav Sqdn
65th Engr (-) (GS) B(-)/5-2 Arty (AW) (SP) (GS) C/4-8 Inf
66th Cbt Tracker Plt (GS) A(-)/7-8 Arty (8”) (SP) (GSR) 919 Engr Co
B/7-8 Arty (175/8”) (SP) GS) (POF)
C/1-27 Arty (155) (SP) (GS)
A/2-32 Arty (175/8”) (SP) (GS)
B/2-35 Arty (155) (SP) (GSR)
January 1970
1 JAN 70
CAPT Jerry Andrews
Alpha's Arty FO Lt. Tim Jachowski writes;
"Walked back to Pershing [after an ambush patrol (AP) near 'New Ong Dam.']. Flew out again at 1800 to the west side of the Little Peninsula. We had 5 APs stretched across the paddies. Captain Andrews and I were leaning against a paddy dike when at about 2230 an ARVN mech unit - laagered to our north - decided to have a Mad Minute. Andrews got hit in the arm with a .50 cal round. We had to call in a dust off. It was pitch dark and when the dust off came in I put a strobe in my helmet to signal where they needed to land. About 30 feet off the ground they turned on their spotlight and had me nicely illuminated in the middle of the paddy. Lucky there were no bad guys around. Nothing happened the rest of the night."
Co. A
About this time Lt. Slayton left for the 25th AVN and Lt. Wally Crooks took over 2nd platoon, and Lt Pashke came on board. A general "Ceasefire" was in effect throughout Vietnam on January 1st.
5 JAN 70
PFC Larry Villaneva (20) of Summerville, SC perished in Hau Nghia Province.
Co. A worked south of Trang Bang along the waterways. 2nd platoon (Crooks) had ambush that evening one klick north of FSB Pershing. They "blew" their bush and got 2 VC (BC).
[NOTE: X. Moi(2) vic of XT5830 in Ho Bo woods very near the Saigon River. X. Moi(3) vic XT5128 two klicks north of Pershing - so X. Moi(3) is the more likely area of this days patrol. By the way, "X" is shorthand for the Vietnamese Xa -- pronounced zwah -- which is the equivalent to our U.S. township. And, "Ap" is a Hamlet - or U.S. town. Now, XT is a US map location and another animal altogether. Bic?]
9 JAN 70
Co. A;
Captain Tony Moreno replaces the WIA Capt. Andrews as Commanding Officer (CO) of Alpha. Lt. Jachowski wrote
10 JAN 70
Co. A WIA:
PFC John "Randy" Cornett.
Co. A flew up to the Ho Bo woods just south of the Top Hat for a search.
11 JAN 70
Co. A
Went on a raid to Sa Nho. We didn't find anything but a lot of booby traps. There were some real fresh punji pits which we dismantled. We had four men injured from a grenade booby trap. Sgt. Horner might go home."
14 JAN 70
Co. A flew up north of Square Lake (X. Dong Gang) and walked back to FSB Pershing
16 JAN 70
Co. A takes the convoy in to Cu Chi for a one day Stand Down.
17 JAN 70
Co. A returns to FSB Pershing on convoy.
21 JAN 70
PFC Charles Terry Russell (20), 1st platoon, of Florence, AL perished in Binh Duong Province.
PFC John C. Chaves is severely wounded and evacuated. John dies from his January 21st wounds in the VA hospital in Boston nearly three months later on April 11, 1970, surrounded by his family.
The 1st platoon's Jerrold "Moon" Brooks recalls that the wounded included: John Chaves "Hit real bad."; Machine gunner "Tex" [Fairbanks]; Lt. Alcaraz was "peppered in the face by shrapnel; Sgt. [Frank] Viscomi hit; a medic was hit ["Doc A' an Italian sounding name.]; and a new guy from the 1st Inf Div -- name unknown -- who was hit in the arm/shoulder. "Terry" Russell died instantly.
Artillery FO Lt. Jachowski recorded this in his diary/journal:
"Went up near the Saigon River today. There was supposed to be some recent activity. We walked around for a while then started to find all kinds of booby traps. Found some .50 cal rounds, and a cache of grenades, blasting caps etc. First Platoon (LT Alcaraz) tripped a large booby trap. It killed Terry Russell, their demo man and wounded the next two in line pretty bad. Tony Alcaraz was 4th in line and was shaken up pretty bad with a possible concussion. We dusted them off then walked 2 kilometers down a stream to a PZ and went home. Terry's wife had a baby just a few days ago."
22 JAN 70
Co. A
Artillery FO Lt. Jachowski wrote;
"We went up to an area northwest of Pershing that we have never ambushed in before in a big rice field. We started digging in about 1900, about 2100 we spotted 4 VC to the north moving north and then another 6. AP3 spotted 35 moving south. I fired some artillery on them. Then they spotted another group of about 30 to the north moving north so I fired on that bunch. Things started to quiet down when we saw another 12 coming from the south. They passed between us and AP5 and started going north. I fired 3 batteries 3 HE and 2 batteries VT at them. As soon as that was done another 6 started coming directly into our position. It was very eerie listening to them walk through the rice. We blew our bush and got three. AP2, 3, and 5 each got 1. Someone put a bullet through my radio antenna. The 4.2 Illum was poor so I had to use 105 again...."
February 1970
At the end of January and the beginning of February, the 2-12th Inf (then in the 2nd Brigade, 25th Division) moved from the 25th's central area of operations - Citadel, Ho Bo/Boi Loi, Trang Bang, FSB's Pershing & Stuart - to a new 1st Brigade AO "up north" - Dau Tieng area. Headquarters (Forward) moved from FSB Pershing to FSB Kien. The "rear" moved from Cu Chi Base Camp to Dau Tieng.
10 FEB 70
On 10 February at 1120 hours, Company D, 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry on a reconnaissance mission in the Citadel 5 kilometers northwest of Trung Lap (XT554244, located in a hole and evacuated 4500 pounds of rice in 100-pound bags with various markings. At 1500 hours, D/2-12 Inf located an additional 3000 pounds of rice in another hole. This cache was also contained in 100-pound bags with various marking and was located 200 meters north of the previous find (XT544246). Both caches were evacuated.
On 10 February 1970 FSB Kien was opened and a 12-channel system was established between Dau Tieng and FSB Kien. The system to FSB Pershing was discontinued on 10 February 1970 and the personnel and equipment retuned to Cu Chi. FSB Kien was located at the former base of FSB Mahone III at XT523417.
A signals center at Dau Tieng had already been established for the 25th Div - to support the 2nd Brigade - on Feb. 2nd. The reason for all this was that the 25th was taking over the 1st Infantry Division's Area of Operation because the 1st Division was -quote- going home -close quote- as a part of Nixon's plan to withdrawal troops from Viet Nam.
18 FEB 70
PFC Nixon D. Pike (22) of Houston, TX perished in Binh Duong Province.
1LT Edward Leiphart (or Leaphart), shot.
2-12th Bn HQ at FSB Kien
Co. A conducting operations in AO Lanai utilizing air assets. Elements of Co. A were working in the northern Boi Loi's, six klicks northwest of the Mushroom, awaiting a morning helicopter pickup when at 0935 an escorting 187th AHC "Rat Pack" gun ship spotted and engaged 6 enemy. A sweep of the area by Alpha uncovered five pounds of documents, ten pounds of medical supplies.
Co. B 18th:
1 platoon opcon to TF Warrior at Pine Ridge. 1 platoon attached to 1/5 Mech.
Co. C 18th:
Co. C conducted operations in AO Remagen 1 sniper atached and 1 scout dog team attached.
Reacting to a Stinger gunship engagement of a bunker complex (1 VC BC), Charlie company was inserted at XT632313 just north of the Rach Ba Phuoc (stream) to the east of the Mushroom. Sweeping the area, Co. C and a light fire team engaged an estimated ten enemy shortly before 5 pm. Contact was lost after two hours. Results; four VC/NVA killed, one female Chu Hoi'd, two AK47 and two K54 pistols, and five pounds of documents. Pfc. Pike was killed in this exchange and three soldiers were wounded. Co. C moved 360 meters southeast (across the Rach Ba Phouc) where they discovered numerous other bunkers, tunnel complexes, spider holes and destroyed them. At nearly 9 pm Charlie company engaged 2 VC/NVA. Results; 2 VC BC. 2 AK47 rifles, 1 Chi Com claymore mine, 50 lbs of rice and 1/2 lb of documents evacuated.
Co. D 18th:
1 platoon opcon to Dau Tieng for security of Dau Tieng Bridge, 1 sniper attached, 1 platoon had the security of highway LTL-14 from FSB Kien to Dau Tieng, 1 platoon had security of the water point.
Recon 18th:
The Recon platoon was opcon to Task Force Warrior at Pine Ridge.
"At 1645 hours on 18 February, Company C, 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry, 6 kilometers southeast of Ben Suc (XT632313) in the Ho Bo Woods, engaged an estimated ten enemy with organic weapons and light fire team, resulting in four enemy killed. One female Hoi Chanh was received. Two AK47 rifles, two K54 pistols and five pounds of documents were evauated. Enemy small arms fire killed one U.S. soldier and wounded another. Contact was lost at 1845 hours. At 2050 hours, C/2-12 Inf engaged two enemy approximately 360 meters southeast of the earlier contact (XT634310). Both enemy soldiers were killed. Two AK47 rifles, one ChiCom claymore mine, 50 pounds of rice and 1/2 pound of documents were evacuated"
19 FEB 70
Co. A 19th:
"We went on a Bushmaster in the southwest corner of the AO where Charlie Company had blown a bush. We went in during the morning and spotted a few VC and chased them away. Continued roaming around the countryside burning brush etc. We finally set up AP's near where we first landed. We were sniped at during the night."
Co. A 19th:
0840 hours Kien Aid Station request urgent dustoff for two US litter wounds received from anti-personal mine, dust off 158 ETA 15 minutes. 0906 Dustoff on station. 0913 Dustoff complete to 12th Evac. 1121 to 1153 hours Co. A at Kien PZ at XT637310 to replace Charlie Company. 1240 hrs XT630310, Co. A requested Priority Dust off for one US gunshot in thigh. 1327 hrs XT637307 found 2 bunkers 2x4x6 with recent activity. 1337 hrs XT636306 found 1 bunker 3x4x10 enforced with logs, inside found cooking utensils, & clothing destroyed in place. 1421 hrs XT633304 Co. A found fortified bunker 15x4x4 with 2 entrances neg recent act, finding a bunker destroyed. 1514 hrs XT631305 Co. A found bunker complex including 3 tunnels; 1 tunnel 8x8x3, 1 tunnel 6x6x4 with 2 entrances, 1 tunnel 3x4x4 with 2 entrances, found in the tunnels are cooking utensils recent activity in last 48 hrs. 1838 hrs XT636310 Co. A Now in their holding area. 1946 hrs All Co. A CP's in position.
Co. B 19th:
0750 hours Co. B departed site.
Co. C 19th:
0706 hours After spending the night on the 18th battle site, Co. C consolidated at XT634310 (the location of the 2nd platoon). Co. C swept the contact area and by 0753 hrs reported finding at XT638310 1/2 pound documents, 1 pound clothing, 1 AK-47, 1 ChiCom claymore and 30 pounds of polished rice. Co. C moves 3/4 miles south to XT635300 where at 0913 they found 1 bunker reinforced with logs, found inside; 5 lbs clothing, 1 US frag grenade, 2 AK magazines, destroyed in place, recent act in last 24 hrs.1025 hrs at XT635307, Co. C found 1 bunker 6x8x5 inside found 5 lbs medical supplies, 10 lbs polished rice, 1/4 lbs documents, [unkn]. 1040 hrs at XT635307 found 2 lbs documents an ammo can, will evac to Kien. Co. C at XT637310 fly back to Dien.
Co.D 19th:
0710 hours 1 platoon road security LTL-14. 0950 hrs 3d platoon closed Kien.
"Summary: Co A conducted operations in AO Lanai and in AO Pike, had 2 snipers attached. Co B 1 plt opcon to [?] Bde at Dau Tieng, 1 plt plus wpns plt opcon TF Warrior at Pine Ridge. Co C 1 plt opcon to Dau Tieng for security of Dau Tieng Bridge. Co (-) conducted rest and maint. Co D 1 plt had security of LTL 14 from Kien to Dau Tieng and also provided security of the water point. Recon plt opcon TF Warrior. 4/9 conducted bushmaster operations in AO Manila. 1/5 Mech conducted operations in AO Lanai with 1 plt B Co 1 sniper attached."
"Results of today’s operations: 3 US WIA. @ US WIA resulting from an anti-mine (M-14), 1 US WIA from A Co gunshot wound resulting from contact with the enemy. Captured 1 AK-47 rifle, 1 chicom claymore from previous night CP-CP3 Co C. Also captured 2 AK magazines, 3 lbs documents, 5 lbs medical supplies, and 60 lbs of polished rice. Numerous bunkers, spider holes, tunnel complexes, booby traps were found and destroyed/"
"Plans for tomorrow: Co A will conduct rest and maint at 1600 they will PZ Kien to AO Antietam and conduct operations there, 2 snipers will be attached. Co A 1 plt will be opcon to 2d Bde at Dau Tieng, 1 plt plus wpns plt opcon TF Warrior, 1 plt will continue base camp improvement. Co C 1 plt will have security of LTL 14 from Kien to Dau Tieng and will also provide security for water point, 1 plt will have the security of Dau Tieng Bridge. Co D will exploit source and conduct operations in AO Antietam. Recon plt opcon to TF Warrior. 4/9 will continue bushmaster opns in AO Manila. 1/5 Mech will return to Kien to conduct maint. Training will be conducted as scheduled."
20 FEB 70
PFC John "Randy" Cornett.
Co. A
"Went up to the northern [Boi] Loi today and laid around until 1800. Then moved out to a string of APs. AP 6 blew its bush but didn't get anything. Heard that Cpt McConnell (Battalion S-2) was killed by a 50 cal while flying over the Boi Loi in a LOH.
[Sarge's NOTE: Major McConnell's official records indicate February 22 as the date he died of wounds. He had been with the battalion less than a month. From other 2-12th guys; they heard that he was supposedly shot by a VC/NVA .51 cal while flying in the FSB Tennessee area near the Mushroom. ]
21 FEB 70
"One shelling incident was reported in the 2nd Brigade of operations. At 2015 hours on 21 February, a night defensive position of Company B, 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry on Nui Ong 12 kilometers north-northeast of Dau Tieng (XT522588), received 15 rounds of 82mm mortar fire. No U.S. casualties were sustained."
"At 0935 hours on 21 February, helicopter gunships of the 187th Assault Helicopter Company with elements of 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry, 5 kilometers northwest of Ben Suc (XT525351) in the Boi Loi Woods, engaged six enemy in blue uniforms. Organic weapons fire resulted in all six enemy being killed. A/2-12 Inf swept the contact area and located five pounds of documents and ten pounds of medical supplies."
Co. A
"While waiting to be PZd the [187th AHC] gunships spotted some
VC and killed 6. 3 were women. They were carrying a lot of medical supplies; found one AK with the group."
Co. B, on Pine Ridge, received 15 rounds of mortar fire. No friendly casualties.
22 FEB 70
MJR William C. McConnell IV (29) of Denver, CO perished in Binh Duong Province.
McConnell is hit by ground fire while being a passenger in a helicopter. He was flown to medical aid, but perished after arrival.
26 FEB 70
2-12th and 1/5th M are OPCON'd to 1st BDE
On 26 February 1970, 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry and 1st Battalion (Mechanized), 5th Infantry became OPCON to 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division. The 3rd Squadron, 4th Cavalry was released from OPCON to 2nd Brigade and returned to Divisional control on the same day. This day also saw the new boundary between the 25th Infantry Division and the 1st Air Cavalry Division go into effect. This new boundary change meant that the 25th Infantry Division gave up its portion of War Zone C.
27 FEB 70
Co. A at FSB Pine Ridge atop the Razorback Mountains for next ten days.
Alpha received 25 rounds mortar fire from the vicinity of XT530587 with negative casualties. Fire was returned with 35 rounds of 81mm mortar rounds. The VC fired from the base of the mountain (some 3/4 klicks due east of the fire support base).
28 FEB 70
A 1/5th Infantry "Bobcat" track detonated a 750 lb bomb killing the seven men aboard. We heard about it at FSB Kien at the time and it put the fear-of-the-Lord in us.
March 1970
1st Division returns home and the 25th ID TAOI is expanded
7 MAR 70
Co. A
"We have been up on Fire Base Pine Ridge for the last 10 days which was really a break for the CP group. We would send one platoon out for two nights and our group never broke wire. My 1/8 Artillery has changed AOs and the 7/11 Artillery will now be providing our direct support. Interesting that they just left us FOs in position with our infantry companies.... We have another bush in the Michelin Rubber plantation tonight, 6 squads covering 3 kilometers, ridiculous."
31 MAR 70
SP4 Jack R. Smith (20) of Clarion, IA perished in Binh Duong Province.
April 1970
1 APR 70
Dau Tieng Base Camp (XT491473) received 40 rounds of 82mm mortar fire at 0110 hours [1:10 am].... resulting in light damage to four AH-1G (Cobra) helicopters. The fire was returned with artillery, mortars, a Shadow [Airforce gunship] and a light fire team with unknown results.
2 APR 70
Major General Edward Bautz, Jr. became Commanding General of the 25th Infantry Division.
4 APR 70
PFC James E. Abbott (21) of Shreveport, LA perished in Binh Duong Province.
John Clifford Chaves (20), Co. A 1st platoon, died in Boston, Mass. of wounds received in Binh Duong
Province on January 21st. John's biggest fight had come after he had left Vietnam.
9 APR 70
Dau Tieng Base Camp received 22 rounds of 120mm mortar fire from the northwest at 0100 hours, resulting in one U.S. WIA and heavy damage to a POL bladder. Fire was returned by 4.2 inch and 81 mm mortars with unknown results.
12 APR 70
At 1405 hours, Co. C discovered an enemy bunker complex (XT628355) five and a half klicks east of Ben Suc at 2:05 pm. Ten bunkers, 800 pounds of rice, seven small arms magazines, and 150 lbs of small arms ammunition were destroyed. One and a half pounds of documents were evacuated.
14 APR 70
An ammunition cache was located by C/2-12 Inf on 14 April at 1230 hours 7 kilometers east of Ben Suc (XT647338). Eighty RPG rounds, five rounds of 82mm mortar, 57 hand grenades, 100 small arms rounds, 53 RPG booters, and two anti-personnel mines were destroyed. One unknown type rifle, one light machine gun, and one 82mm mortar sight were evacuated.
17 APR 70
SSG Barclay L. Volk (20) fo Billings, MT perished in Binh Duong Province.
The most significant contact in the 1st Brigade AO occurred on 17 April at 1520 hours when Company C, 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry engaged an unknown number of enemy soldiers 6 kilometers northwest of Ben Suc (XT547387) with organic weapons and flame thrower resulting in four enemy soldiers killed and the evacuation of three AK47 rifles and one RPG launcher. The enemy force returned fire with organic weapons and hand grenades until 1750 hours when contact was lost. At 1830 hours, C/2-12 Inf received automatic weapons fire from the south resulting in one U.S. soldier killed and four wounded. Fire was returned with organic weapons resulting in five enemy soldiers killed and the evacuation of three AK47 rifles. Contact was lost at 1900 hours.
Co. C at 3:20 pm engaged an unknown number of enemy six klicks northeast of Ben Suc (XT547387) with organic weapons and a flame thrower resulting in four enemy killed and the evacuation of three AK47 rifles and one RPG launcher. The enemy returned fire with organic weapons and hand grenades. Near 6 pm contact was lost, but at 6:30 Company C received automatic weapons fire from the south resulting in one KIA, S/Sgt Volk, of Billings, Montana, and four U.S. wounded. Five enemy soldiers were killed and three AK47 rifles were evacuated in this contact which ended an hour latter at 7 pm.
Company A, said FO Lt. Jachowski; "Went into the Rome plow area to our south and
prepared to bush in there. About 1600 Company C got into contact further south of us. We were notified to be prepared to go down and relieve them because we were prepared to spend the night but Charlie [Company] wasn't. As things turned out, they stayed
and we returned to Kien for base defense. Charlie Company killed 9 NVA and lost 1 KIA and 4 wounded. The gooks were in holes in heavy jungle much like our last contact."
20 APR 70
Dau Tieng Base Camp (XT491473) received 10 rounds of 120mm mortar fire at 2110 hours on 20 April resulting in six U.S. wounded. Fire was returned with artillery and mortars to XT5151 with unknown results.
PINE RIDGE SAPPER ATTACK (Mountains to the northeast of Dau Tieng Basecamp)
26 APR 70
A Co KIA's:
SSG Darreld Fisher (38) of Fremont, OH;
PFC Ronald Ellis Newman (20) of Starke, FL;
PFC Robert Rogers (21) of Cut Off, LA; and
SGT Jose Vazquez (23) of Santuce, P.R. perished in Binh Duong Province.
CAPT Moreno
LT Gary Franklin
The Pacific Stars and Stripes carried this article after this day:
SAIGON - Red sappers scaled a steep ridge overlooking the vast Michelin rubber plantation 44 miles northwest of Saigon and invaded an American firebase atop the ridge, killing four Americans and wounding 12, the U.S. Command reported Monday. Between 10 and 15 sappers hurled satchel charges rampaged through Firebase Pine Ridge for about 30 minutes late Sunday before infantrymen from the 25th In. Div., aided by helicopter and fixed wing gunships and artillery strikes, drove them back into the thick woods surrounding the base, the Command Reported. The attack began with a brief, intense enemy mortar and rocket-propelled grenade attack, according to the Command. The body of only one dead sapper was found in the base after the smoke cleared, along with one individual weapon, 15 satchel charges and two and one-half pounds of C4 explosive, the Command reported. Material damage in the attack was termed "moderate" by the U.S. Command. Informed sources said the Reds succeeded in demolishing at least one bunker. The sources said Sunday night's attack - along with attacks earlier in the month at two other fire support bases northwest of Saigon - are a part of an enemy campaign of stepped-up sapper assaults that began this spring.
Arty FO Lt. Tim Jachowski recorded in his journal:
"The day was very quiet. About 2330 the CO, 1st Sgt., me and LTs Franklin and Crookes were in our tent next to the TOC. Franklin and Crookes were about to leave when the TOC was hit by one or two satchel charges. All hell broke loose and there were explosions all over the place. There was some rifle fire but I think it was just M-16, the sappers apparently attacked with charges only. Someone had apparently caught a sapper and was yelling he had caught one. Capt. Moreno tried to go help but was met with a few C-4 charges thrown at him and he wound up with numerous pieces of dirt and shrapnel and the sapper was lost. The attack only lasted 15-20 minutes. The sappers had done a good job. They destroyed three bunkers, the TOC, and the artillery generators. I called in some artillery around our perimeter and had the 81s fire illumination. Stayed up all night watching the wire."
'On 26 April at 2255 hours [10:55 p.m.], Company A, 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry at Fire Support Base Pine Ridge in the Razorbacks (XT522588) received 25 rounds of 82mm mortar fire and 10-15 RPG rounds from an unknown number of enemy. Immediately following this barrage, 10-15 enemy sappers breached the wire from the east and proceeded to detonate about 25 satchel charges and 30 hand grenades in hooches and bunkers throughout the FSB. The enemy force withdrew the same way they came in and were engaged with organic weapons, artillery, a light fire team, Shadow [U.S. Air force gun ship], and a flare ship until 2350 hours when contact was lost. Four U.S. soldiers were killed and 13 wounded in the attack, while the enemy lost one KIA. Destroyed were two line bunkers, one radio shack, one medic shack, one command post bunker, two artillery hooches, five sleeping hooches, and one generator shop with four generators. An artillery fire direction [center] was evacuated.'
27-30 APR 70
Co. A
"The next few days were spent rebuilding," wrote Lt. Jachowski. "The place was a mess. There were satchel charges and small C-4 charges all over the place. They had made hand grenades by just making a ball of C-4 and adding a fuse and blasting cap. They tried to blow up some of the artillery or mortar ammo but the boxes they blew up were empty. I got to play commo officer and Lorne Wagner, Ken Berg and I rewired all the infantry commo. Amazingly it worked. I called in some additional artillery DTs from FB Jamie. During the night I fired a few White Phosphorous rounds which was supposed to be 200 meters off the ground but the Fire Direction Officer apparently didn't take the change in altitude into account and it went off almost even with our location. It was still far enough out that no one got hurt, but was sure some pretty fireworks."
Lt. Gen. Michael S. Davidson Commander, U.S. forces in Camboia
The 2-12th Infantry was an element of the 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division during this time period. Although not involved in the 25th Divisions' initial thrusts into Cambodia in early May, the 2-12th - after first staging at Tay Ninh Base Camp and Katom, Vietnam - soon moved into the Cambodian 'Fishhook' area near Mimut [or on some maps Mimot], Cambodia.
May 1970
1 May 70
C /2-47 Mech and A/2-34 Armor became the first American ground combat units to enter Cambodia.
OPERATION BOLD LANCER II begins 15 MAY to 28 JUN 1970 1st Brigade, 25th Division's Cambodian campaign.
15 MAY 70
2-12th Inf learned that they were going to Camboda. "Talk about morale dropping to an all time low," Lt. Ski recorded in his journal.
16-20 MAY 70
The Battalion is packing and moving from FSB Kien to Katum (near the Cambodian boarder).
17 MAY 70
PFC Nash Fry (24) of Oklahoma City, OK perished in Binh Duong Province.
D Co WIA: Gary Lehman hit by same mine and evacuated.
The third phase of the division's Cambodian campaign saw the 1st Brigade travel northeast through Vietnam to Base Area 353, west of Base Area 707, where the 2nd Brigade had been operating. Working side by side, the two brigades operated massive search and reconnaissance operations over a large part of the area referred to by president Nixon as “The Fish Hook."
On 17 May 1970, the 1st Battalion (Mech) 5th Infantry searching a heavily wooded area uncovered one of the largest communication caches of the war. Included were 135 bunkers, 57 hootches, 10 classrooms, and several tons of radio and electronics equipment. Continuing their search, infantrymen swept through an enemy hospital complex composed of 50 hootches, 130-150 bunkers and three kitchens.
18 MAY 70
Co. A moved north to Katum. The "Rear" will follow on the 20th.
20 MAY 70
Co. A found a former enemy camp - complete with mess halls, showers, 24 hooches, and tree bunkers - five miles north of Katum.
22 MAY 7-
Sometime around this date, the 2-12th and 4-23rd are moved north and join the 1st Bde as relief units to replace those that have seen heavy action.
25 MAY 70
Co. B found a 20 tons of rice and a cache of medical supplies 6 miles SW of Memut, Cambodia. Including; 1,000 boxes asst. medical supplies, 41 cans of vitamins, 25 lbs of plaster (for cast making), 150 5-gal. cans of Med supplies, nearly 2 1/2 tons of GAUZ, 1,300 lbs of bed linen, and 10 lbs of surgical instruments.
26 MAY 70
Medic PFC John "Doc" A. Wheatly (20) of St. Thomas, Virgin Islands perished in Cambodia.
30 MAY 70
Area of operation, 4 1/2 miles northeast of Katum (RVN) and hard on the Viet-Cam border in Cambodia.
Co. C XT 390950 At 1125 hours on 30 May, C/2-12 Inf evacuated one .50 caliber machine gun, one .50 caliber machinegun barrel, one M60 machine gun barrel and one ton of rice from a site 5oo meters north of Boeng Chroung Kraon (XT 390950)." Recon XT401939 "Recon/2-12 Inf destroyed 11 RPG rounds, four ChiCom rifle grenades, six 60mm mortar rounds, five ChiCom hand grenades and 75 pounds of unknown type explosives and evacuated one ChiCom sub-machine gun with 100 rounds of ammunition at 1330 1.2 kilometers southeast of Boeng Chroung Kraom (XT 401939)."
June 1970
3 JUN70
E Co KIA's:
SP4 Dale A. Anderson (25) of Portland, OR; and
SP4 Michael Bouchard (19) of Fairview, MA perished in Cambodia.
Specialist Bouchard was in 'Recon.'
Went out to the west of our [Night Defensive Position] and set up with B Company but found nothing very significant except for an old base camp. The camp was well camouflaged completely under bamboo. Most of the area is thick jungle.
4 JUN 70
A Co KIA's:
SGT Russell Dale Shue (22) of Oswego, KS; and
SSG Robert Eric Uthemann (25) of Milwaukee, WI perished in Cambodia.
"Stayed with the NDP and PZ'd to a new area where Charlie Company had already set up. They thought they had some movement but didn't find anything. I have a new RTO [Vaughn]. The company had to walk about 6 km today, about 1 km from the NDP we had contact. It was pretty late and the guys were already beat. We lost two sergeants and had to bring them out to dust off. We finally got to the NDP about 2100."
5 JUN 70
A Co KIA's:
PFC David A. Meirose (20) of Bloomfield, NE; and
SGT William Ace Billy Morton (23) of Sweetwater, TX perished in Cambodia.
Co. A
"Went back to the same spot as yesterday and had contact again. Bill Morton and another new guy were killed. Heard Borchard in Recon was killed too. We got back real late again. The only artillery available was 155s. Good once they get going but slow. The illum was scary since they were shooting toward us and you could hear the canisters banging around in the trees after the illum popped."
6 JUN 70
Co. C
800 meters south of Baphloam (XT433953) 1125 hours
C/2-12 Inf located a small commo cache in a bunker.... One bunker was destroyed andone telegraph key, one micraphone, one handset and one switchboard, all in good condition, were evacuated.
7 JUN 70
Co. A
South of FSB Denny (Katum)
"On a supposed day of rest [Co. A] had to RIF down to the south and secure the place for a bunch of visiting senators. A few of the guys refused to go out at first, they were just fed up with all the bull," recorded Lt. Ski.
Co. B
1.5 klicks northeast of Baphloam (XT441968)
1310 to 1425 hours
Three US soldiers were wounded when B/2-12 Inf.... received small arms fire from an unknown number of enemy at 1310 hours.... Fire was returned with organic weapons, artillery, LFT and airstrikes until 1425 hours with unknown results.
Co. C
4 WIA:
RTO Danny Darnell
2.6 klicks east of Boeng Chroung Kraom (XT415940)1230, 1250 and 1340 hours
"C/2-12 Inf received small arms, RPG and 60mm mortar fire at 1230, 1250 qne 1340 hrs.... resulting in four wounded. Fire was returned with organic weapons, artillery and LFT with unknown results. A UH1H MEDVAC, on a dust off, received small arms fire at 1450 hours but took no hits. Fire returned with organic weapons with unknown results."
"An LST from D/3-4 Cav observed one individual... at 1510 hrs. Upon close inspection, an OH6A helicopter received small arms fire and force landing. An AH1G Cobra returned fire with organic weapons with unknown results. C/2-12 Inf secured the aircraft. The two crewmen were wounded and the OH6A suffered moderate damage."
Co. D
3.4 klicks east of Choam (XT423963)
0930 hours on
"D/2-12 Inf located the most significant cache of the day.... Nine bunkers were destroyed. Ten RPD machine guns, 13X107mm rockets, four US hand grenades, 140 ChiCom hand grenades, 94 rounds of 82mm mortar, 20 RPG rounds, 61 rifle grenades, 98 rounds of 60mm mortar, 1000 blasting caps, 300 pounds of C-4, one US Bangalore torpedo, three 30 pound ChiCom claymore mines, two 10 pound ChiCom claymore mines, 4 1/2 cases of small arms ammunition, 91 ammunition magazines, three US LAW"s, 200 feet of fuse, 37 pairs of wire cutters, 10 respirators, one sewing machine, seven bolts of cloth, 43 gallons of grease, 140 waterproof bags, two bicycles, 19 cases of dried salmon, 89 cans of Foremost milk and 74 cans of mackerel were evacuated."
8 JUN 70
C Co. KIA:
PFC Creighton W. Sistrunk (20) of Montecello, MS perished in Cambodia.
SP4 Dan "Danny Boy" Breeding
Breeding recalls that the platoon was in a U-shaped ambushed in Cambodia. "We had 22 going in, 11 medivac’d - including myself."
Breeding states that there were three "Danny's" in his platoon, and in order to tell them apart they were called "Danny" [Darnell], "Danny Boy" [Breeding], and "Parsons" [Danny Parsons].
10 JUN 70
Co. C
1.8 klicks east of Boeng Chcoung Kraom (XT406940)
1250 to 1300 hours
"C/2-12 Inf destroyed 33 bunkers, five bicycles, 200 pounds of rice and three ChiCom hand grenades...."
15 JUN 70
2-12th Cambodian operations were at an end by this time and the battalion went on to establish
FSB JAMIE XT482715 (former 1st Air Cav base)
Co. D
An extract from Lt. Ski's journal: "Delta Company went into Jamie which had been abandoned by the 1st Cav. Delta found about 15 VC living there and killed 5. One guy was real lucky, he was hit three times, once in the head and he walked to the medevac when it came in. 2/60 Armor moved up to Jamie a few days later."
Co. A
Lt. Jachowski continued on the same day to record this about Alpha: "We were supposed to PZ to a new firebase today. The CO told me that we were supposed to go to an old firebase and the area should be secure, so he elected to have me and the mortar platoon go in first and set up a defensive position. We wound up landing in a big field of elephant grass, no firebase, no berms, no field of fire. We dug in and waited for the rest of the company then spent a restless night."
16 JUN 70
For the next few weeks, Lt. Jachowski did not write regularly in his journal, the entry is simply titled; 16 Jun - 5 Jul: The building of FB Warrior.
"Well, here we are in the middle of a big field surrounded by very thick jungle. Since Jamieis only a few km away we figured there will be some gooks in the area. This has got to be one of the biggest fiascos I have yet seen. They came in here with absolutely no plan at all as to how they are going to set it up. To put it mildly the whole thing is a complete mess. At least the first few days we didn't have to go anywhere. Initially there was only enough water to drink, nothing to wash with. We got a short rain and a lot of the guys ran out and showered, one guy working in the TOC got out late, got lathered up and the rain stopped, he had to go around borrowing some water to wash off the soap."
29 JUN 70
All units have been withdrawn from Cambodia
JULY 1970
In a 26 JUL 1970 briefing Maj. Gen. Cowles (MACV J-3) reported "these operations did several things. They certainly reduced the enemy threat....More than that, they really enhanced the morale of the Vietnamese forces and gave them increased confidence that they can in fact secure their own country."
And these operations dealt the enemy a hard blow logistically. Enough individual weapons were captured to equip 55 VC battalions. Enough crew served weapons for 33 battalions. Rice tonnage sufficient to feed 25,200 men for one year on full rations. "During the short two-month period in Cambodia we captured almost as many weapons as during the full year of either 1968 or 1969 in-country," And far more rice and ammunition than captured in any year in Vietnam.
During the month of July, the 2nd Brigade assumed control of a new AO around Yuan Loc in Long Khanh and Phuoc Tuy Provinces and resumed Operation TOAN THANG IV, concentrating on the destruction of the enemy and his supplies. 2nd Brigade elements also continued to assist in the pacification program in their new AO.
10 JUL 70
C Co KIA's:
SFC Thomas A. Campbell (34) of York, AL
SGT Robert L. Oldham (25) of Caldwell, TX perished in Binh Duong Province.
SP4 Roy E Harris (21) of Bridgeport, CT. Is wounded and is flown to Camp Zuma, Japan.
242nd ASH "Muleskinner", CH-47 # 65-07999, crashed and burned near FSB Tennessee in the Mushroom. The aircraft was hit by a RPG while at a hover as it was lifting off.
26 JUL 70
SP4 Roy E Harris (21) HHC, of Bridgeport, CT. dies at Camp Zuma, Japan
31 JUL 70
C Co KIA's:
SP4 William E. "Buck" Austin (20) of Lenoir, NC
SP4 Gregg F. Steimel (19) of Wright, KS perished in Tay Ninh Province.
C/2-12 Inf received six command detonated claymore mines and small arms fire from an estimated enemy platoon located in a large bunker complex 3 kilometers southwest of Tung Thngai (XT406801) at 1530 hours on 31 July resulting in two US soldiers killed and four wounded. Fire was returned with organic weapons, LFT, artillery and air strikes until 1545 hours when contact was lost.
Specialist Steimel was awarded the nations second highest award for Valor - the DISTINGUISHED SERVICE CROSS. Co. C, 3rd platoon, WIA's: Sgt. Ronald "Festus" Hughes (3rd platoon); Roger "Hillbilly"Maxwell; and Bob "Grodie" Wills.
Co. C was ambushed.
August 1970
OVERVIEW: 2-12th in 1st Brigade - Col William F. Graves commanding - at this time. Co. A, 65th ENG BN helped upgrade FSB Warrior during the month - the 2-12th had been here since mid June.
Effective 1 August 70
1st Bde 2nd Bde 3rd Bde
2-12 Inf (-) 1-27 Inf 4-9 Inf (-)
2-14 Inf 1-5 Inf (M) 3-22 Inf
A/3-4 Cav 4-23 Inf (M) 2-27 Inf
2-60 Inf 1-8 Arty (DS) 2-22 Inf (M)
3-4 Cav (-) B/65th Engr (DS) B/C/3-13 Arty (155) (82)
A/2-12 D/588th engr (DS) 2-79 Arty (105) (DS)
7-11 Arty (105) D/3-4 Cav (OPCON) D/65th Engr
A/3-13 Arty (105) (SP)
A/65th Engr
Div Arty 3rd Bde 9th Inf Div
D/3-43 Arty (8”) (GS) (SP) 6-31 Inf
Div Troops 5-60 Inf
F/75th Inf (RGR) (DS) II FFV Arty 2-47 Inf (M)
25th Avn Bn B (illeg) Arty (AW) (SP) (GSR) D/3-17 Air Cav
125th Sig Bn (GS) C/7-8 Arty (8”) (SP) (POF) E/75th Inf (RGR) (DS
65th Engr (-) (GS) A/4-27 Arty (155) (GSR) (SP) C/(2 Arty (AW) (SP)
2-34 Arm (-) B/2-32 Arty (175/8”) (SP (GSR) 2-4 Arty (105 (DS) (S)
C/4-9 Inf B/5-42 Arty (GSR) 571 Engr
6 AUG 70
The 125th Signal Battalion installed a VHF system from Dau Tieng to FSB Warrior.
13 AUG 70
The Hornets (116th AHC) lost a gunship with a crew of four in the Renegade Woods of southern Tay Ninh Province. The 2-12th, along with the 1-27th and a six man Ranger team, went in to get the crewchief. Two Rangers walking point were killed and a three more soldiers were wounded.
14 AUG 70
Lt. Col. Robert N. Martin assumes commad of the 2-12th Inf from Ltc. Sheppard H. Phillips. Ltc. Martin would command the battalion until October 25th.
15 AUG 70
PFC Warren Charles Anderson (20) of Omaha, NE perished in Tay Ninh Province.
A 5-ton truck from A/2-12 Inf with the 588th Engineer Battalion received small ams and RPG fire from both sides of Highway 13 4.5 kms northeast of Phu Khuong (XT371607) at 0930 hours on 15 August. After the initial firing, several enemy soldiers (some dressed in ARVN uniforms and armed with M16 rifles) boarded the truck and engaged the personnel with small arms fire, killing four US soldiers and wounding five. Fire was returned by organic weapons, artillery, a LST and FAC with unknown results.
The 588th ENG was a heavy equipment outfit at FSB Grant. They worked there from building Grant in early August until mid October 1970 with the 3/4 Cav.The engineers were working on TL-4, the only land route to FSB Denny (Katum). Co. C stationed at Denny in Sept. 70.
28 AUG 70
Co. B
XT607581 ~ Eight miles NE of Dau Tieng Base. Two significant caches were located by B/2-12 Inf 9 kms south of Minh Thanh (XT607581) on 28 August. A bunker was located at 0900 hours and 85 pounds medical supplies and one stethoscope were evacuated. Later, at 1204 hours, another bunker was located in the same area and one sick call list, one record book, two medical books, three grams of Novocain, 100 grams of vitamin B-1, assorted bottles of medicinal alcohol and Novocain, and one set of medical scales were evacuated. The area showed signs of recent enemy activity. The cashe area was northeast of the Michelin near the headwaters of the Suoi Van Tam - about 15 klicks north-northeast of Dau Tieng.
September 1970
2-12th Inf in 1st Bde (Col. William F. Graves commanding), 25th Div
22 to 30 SEP 70
Charlie company at FSB Denny near Katom, Vietnam.
C/2-12 Inf at FSB Denny (XT333896) received six rounds of 75mm recoilless rifle fire and six rounds of 82mm mortar fire, resulting in one US wounded. Fire was returned by mortar with unknown results. There were four contacts with the enemy resulting in two enemy killed and the location of four enemy bodies
24 SEP 70
Co. D located four enemy bodies along the Prek Chak An Song 3600 meters north of FSB Pine Ridge - 6.5 kms north of Dau Tieng (XT518626) - at 1435 hours on 24 September. The enemy had been killed by arillery after a Duffle Bag activation on 10 September at 1820 hours.
October 1970
8 OCT 70
While Major General Edward Baultz Jr is on leave Brigadier General M. J. L. Greene assumes command of the 25th Infantry Division.
13 OCT 70
MG Edward Baultz, Jr. resumes command of the division.
15 OCT 70
Operation Order 183-70 issued to the 25th Inf Div. The 1st and 3rd Brigades are to stand down from active operations and prepare to go home. The 2nd Brigade is to remain in Vietnam as a separate brigade under operational control (OPCON) of the II Field Force (IIFF). As a part of the 2nd BDE the 2-12th stays in Vietnam until early 1971.
24-25 OCT 70
Co. A discovers large bunker complex and cashe vic XT430770. Alpha destroyed 23 bunkers, one fighting position and 26 82mm mortar rounds. Co. A evacuated assorted bottles of medicine, 3 CCs of vitamin K, 100 sapirins, 2 pr. rubber gloves, 210 vials of penicillin, 2 pints plasma, 1 115 watt AC/DC generator, 1 can gas, 1 sks barrel, 24 75mm recoilless rifle rounds, 340 ChiCom hand grenades, 5 20 lb. mines, 400 rounds of .51 caliber ammunition, 1 107mm rocket, 29 five foot sections of Bangalore torpedoes, 35 82mm mortar rounds and three bicycle wheels with tires.
26 OCT 70
Major David H. Davis III assumes command of the 2-12th Infantry from LTC Robert N. Martin.
30 OCT 70
The 2nd Battalion 12th Infantry is the last US battalion to leave War Zone C. Fire Support Base Denny, their home since September is quietly turned over to the 2nd Brigade 8th ARVN Regiment on October 30. The Warriors get assigned to the 2nd Bde.
November 1970
The 1st & 2nd Brigades, 4th Inf. Div. and the 1st & 3rd Brigades of 25th Inf. Div. are tactically withdrawn from Vietnam. The 2d Brigade (Separate), 25th Div., under the command of Colonel Joseph R. Ulstoski, remains OPCON to Second Field Force, RVN (IIFFV) near Bien Hoa. The Brigade conducts three major combat operations from November thru February 1971, Yellow-jacket I, II and III. These are coordinated operations with the Royal Thai Army Volunteer Force and the 18th ARVN Division. The mission is to destroy two major NVA forces in the area, 274th NVA Regiment and the 74th NVA Artillery Regiment.
8 NOV 70
2-12th moves from 1st Bde to 2nd Bde replacing the 4-23rd Mech
United States Army, Republic of Vietnam General Order 10719 established the 2nd Brigade as a separate brigade. The 2-12th moves from north of Dau Tieng to east of Saigon and ends up at Xuan Loc. This location is east of Bearcat basecamp, where it all started back in October, 1966. The unit settles into their new home, Camp Husky.
16 NOV 70
C/2-12 received a hand grenade around noon while sweeping nine klicks northwest of FSB Blackhorse (YT527003) and it wounded three Americans. Fire was returned by organic weapons with unknown results.
24 NOV 70
1LT Victor L. Ellinger (24) of Stauton, VA perished.
C/2-12 Inf and 231st RF Company received small arms fire from an estimated three individuals 8 Kms north of Xuan Loc (at YT443152) at 0953 hours.... resulting in Lt. Ellinger and one RF soldier killed. Fire was returned by organic weapons, LST and FAC resulting in one VC killed. A sweep of the area located one Vietnamese newspaper, one booklet containing names of Local Force personnell, 15 AK-47 rounds and a heavy blood trail
25 NOV 70
Farewell Ceremony at Cu Chi for 25th Division.
December 1970
4 DEC 70
C/2-12 Inf received small arms and automatic weapons fire from an estimated five enemy soldiers armed with M-16 rifles 7 klms north of Xuan Loc (YT437151) at 1100 hours... resulting in four US soldiers wounded. Organic weapons and LFT returned fire with unknown results.
5 DEC 70
D/2-12 Inf engaged three to four enemy carrying rucksacks with organic weapons and artillery 12.5 kms southeast of Xuan Loc (YT555013) at 1230 hours... resulting in one enemy killed and one AK-47 rifle with three magazines, one RPG round, one pistol belt and a small amount of batteries and documents evacuated. The documents identified the D445 Local Force Battalion, which normally operated around Nui May Tao (YS7492). This was the first indication of this unit in the area east of the Sparrow Valley (vic YT5201).
18 DEC 70
Husky Compound (vic YT 466093) received eight to twelve 81mm mortar rounds, four of which landed in the compound, at 1905 hours.... resulting in 16 US soldiers wounded, one civilian killed and three civilians wounded. Counter mortar fire was returned to the northeast, vic YT48_113, with unknown results.
24 DEC 70
A/2-12 Inf engaged an unknown number of enemy in bunkers 13 kms northeast of Black Horse (YT569010) at 1055 hours... with organic weapons resulting in three enemy killed. The enemy returned fire with small arms and automatic weapons resulting in two US soldiers wounded and one Kit Carson Scout wounded.
The battalion was 'on the move' this year. We started the year in the Trang Bang AO at Fire Support Base Pershing as a unit in the 2nd Brigade (with Cu Chi as the 'Rear'). Near the end of February the battalion moved north to FSB Kien (with Dau Tieng as 'Rear') as a unit in the 1st Brigade, 25th Div. . During the Cambodian Incursion the battalion moved north to operate near Mimot (or Mimut), Cambodia as a unit in the 1st Brigade, 25th Division. By the end of October the 1st and 3rd Brigades, 25th Division, had received their Stand Down orders and were moving towards Camp Frenzell-Jones preparing to return to the United States. At year’s end the 2-12th Inf remained in Vietnam, moved east of Saigon to the Xuan Loc AO, and helped form the 2nd Bde (separate), 25th Division.