DAV - Disabled American Veterans
Website has links to everything that is helpful for the veteran. It is much easier for you to browse this site, than for us to recreate all the links here.
A great website for information dealing with all aspects of the military, past and present.
Vietnam Veterans of America
Serving the Vietnam Veteran exclusively
Dept. of Veterans Affairs
Your Federal government website for the VA
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Service organization for all veterans
Leadership, advocacy and service for America's veterans since 1944
VA website to track your health and issues
Purple Heart
Military Order of the Purple Heart - a chartered Congressional organization
Medicare for Veterans Info
Explains how Medicare works with the VA and TRICARE benefits.
An American tradition, providing leadership in being a voice for veterans. A organization of fellowship and community involvement, seeking to aid fellow veterans.
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Our mission is to assist veterans with the array of issues they may face, including obtaining proper disability compensation, financial assistance, information on the GI bill, and more. Recently we also made a calculator that helps veterans calculate how much their VA rating should be, especially when it comes to combining ratings and complicated VA math