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Why is my name missing from the roster?
Help is needed from everyone who visits this site. Do you have photographs you would like to add to the site? Know someone's name on a photo? How about missing information, like your name from a roster. It's in your power to change all that. What can I do to help you? I have added a link to the ROSTER tab and included it here for those men who's name is not listed in a company roster. You deserve to be listed with the men you served with. Join in the fight to make this website historically accurate.
Add my Name to the ROSTER
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Save our Heritage now!
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Vet Locator

Exactly what is this? Time is no longer on our side in spite of our wishes to ignore the fact we are all getting older. I started my
search to locate guys from my old Vietnam platoon several years ago. To my own dismay, I have found out that a number of close
friends I had in Vietnam are no longer with us. It's not that they have died due to old age but it appears due to the effects of Agent
Orange and other factors that contributed to their passing. This has caused me to escalate my quest to locate old friends. I have to
realize that some of these guys do NOT want to be found. They still have old wounds, both physical and mental that have not
healed. I have to respect that. Some are dealing with all the mental anguish that the war heaped upon some of us. I pray that they
can come to grips with these gremlins.

For the guys I did locate, it was sheer joy and excitement to rekindle old memories. For a few, it took a little prodding, but once the
guard was dropped they discovered that unique bond that was forged years ago and many are very glad that they, once again,
could speak of old times, memories and feel good about themselves and the friendships they had created on the battlefield. You
can find photos of some of the veterans today in the " Reunion " section of the website.

Use the " VET Locator" to leave a message for those that you are looking for by leaving your name, email address or other
information. You might be surprised one day by a letter or phone call.  I continue to search the internet for missing friends, hoping
to find our lost comrades. Within the past month I have been successful in locating and making contact with a number of guys and
VET Locator

A great location to share your stories of the war, friends, facts, information, combat etc. All you need to do, is create a logon, password and you are ready to write a story and publish it. If you need help, you can send me the story and I will post it for you. To give you an idea of some of the articles that have been written, check these featured stories out. Access this website by using the " STORY BLOG" button.
The Intimidation Factor in a War
Ingenuity - GI Style
The Flame Thrower
Song My and Ben Cui 43 years later
Company signs at Dau Tieng
April 4, 1968 - A defining moment
Life in Camp Rainier (Dau Tieng)
Mail Call and Dear John
Pvt Duckworth
Faces but no names
Oakland Army Base
Memorial Day History
Missing Charlie Co sign at D.T.
Our Medics
A poorly throw smoke grenade
Return to Hoc Mon
Christmas Leave 1967
Task Force Oregon and the Infusion Project
Delta Co's Marvin McCain
Grenade Dude Round Saves GI
Steel Pot
The Shower Stall
Afternoon Rains
The Noodle Shop
Memorial Day 2013
Night  ambush in the Ben Cui Rubber
Dau Tieng Annex Building 
Hollywood has it all wrong
Frontal Assault
I've got movement to my front!
Vietnam - Coming and Going by Tony Adams
Trang Bang Village
Coins on Tombstones
What's he doing now?'
Swimming Pool at Dau Tieng
Totem Pole
Charlie Co at Ft Lewis, WA., the beginning

A snippet from "Year of the Rooster"
Lost in our own minds
BN Weekly Briefing
Getting Answers about a fallen 3/22nd

Reunion - Charlie Co 2-12th - Gatlinburg, TN, June 26-28, 2025

It's never too early to start thinking and planning next year's vacations and why not throw in a reunion too?Everyone one who has attended so far, say they will come back. It's a chance to make up for lost times and see the fellows that meant so much to us when it counted. The guys who had our "backs". This is a great venue for the wives also. There is shopping right in Gatlinburg, and if you drive over to Pigeon Forge, there is Dollywood, and lots of activities for grandkids. Gatlinburg sits right next to the Great Smokey Mountains where you can hike the trails and see the views.

Lots of people start arriving for the reunion on Wednesday or Thursday to get a jump on the festivities. The reunion is casual and small groups are common as the guys get caught up on life's events. Friday night is a no host informal buffet style dinner at the hotel restaurant and they have excellent food, where you have breakfast, lunch or dinner there. Saturday night is the family banquet and program hosted by Danny Darnell which usually includes a guest speaker. Then, Sunday at 1PM, is the BBQ picnic where the last gathering is held before families think about heading home.

The host of the Charlie Co reunion is Danny Breeding and he sure knows all about Southern hospitality. Seriously consider making one of these reunions, you will be glad you did. This reunion is OPEN to all 2-12th Veterans who served in Vietnam. Helps others decide by indicating that you are attending.
Republic of  Vietnam

This country paid a heavy price trying to free the Vietnamese people from Communist take over and rule. It is and was so unfortunate that we as a nation turned our backs on freedom and in the end, took out our frustration, not on the politicians but on the foot soldiers and our military who were asked to fight this war. The sacrifice of the fallen and hardships endured by the living has not been dampened by those who scorned us and looked at us with dishonor when we returned home. Our spirit of patriotism, and the pride and dignity we still feel today for serving our country and doing what was asked of us shall always be with us. We will never forget those comrades who died and shall always be eternally grateful  for the bonds forged with our fellow soldiers.
Scout Dog by Augustine Acuna, 66-67

Sixty-one (61) percent of the men who were killed in the Vietnam War were twenty-one (21) years of age or younger.

The Vietnam War lasted sixteen (16) years (1959 to 1975).

The state of West Virginia had the highest death rate, based on a per capita population, with eighty-one (81) percent.  The national average
was fifty-eight point nine (58.9) percent for every 100,000 males.

Only twenty-five (25) percent of the total United States forces serving in Vietnam were draftees as compared to sixty-six (66) percent during
World War II.

Approximately 2,031 people were missing in action during the Vietnam War.  Seven hundred sixty-six (766) were POWs and one hundred
fourteen (114) died in captivity.

The educational level of the draftees during the Vietnam War brakes down as seventy-nine (79) percent had high school or higher
educations.  Seventy-six (76) percent of these were from lower middle/working class families.

The average age of the soldiers serving during the Vietnam War was nineteen (19).  The average age of the soldiers serving during World
War II was twenty-six (26).

Approximately ninety-seven (97) percent of Vietnam Veterans were honorably discharged.

Approximately sixty-six (66) percent of Vietnam Veterans have said that they were proud of the time in service and what they did during
the Vietnam War.

Approximately eight-seven (87) percent of the general public now hold Vietnam Veterans in high esteem.

Vietnam Veterans make up nine point seven (9.7) percent of their generation.

9,087,000 military personnel served on active duty during the Vietnam Era (5 August 1964 through 7 May 1975.

8,744,000 personnel were on active duty during the war (5 August 1964 through 28 March 1973).

3,403,100 (including and additional 514,000 offshore) served in the Southeast Asia Theater which include Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, flight
crews based in Thailand, and sailors in adjacent South China Sea waters.

2,594,000 personnel served within the borders of South Vietnam (1 January 1965 to 28 March 1973).

Another 50,000 men served in Vietnam between 1960 and 1964.

Of the 2.6 million personnel who served within the borders of South Vietnam, 40% to 60% either fought in combat, provided close combat
support or were at least fairly regularly exposed to enemy attack.

7,484 women served in Vietnam.  6,250 (approximately 83.5% were nurses).

Peak troop strength in Vietnam was 543,482 (30 April 1969).

There were 47,359 hostile deaths.

There were 10,797 non-hostile deaths.

Total of 58,156 (which includes men formerly classified as MIA and Mayaguez casualties).  Twenty-seven (27) additional men have died of
wounds sustained in the Vietnam War which brings the death total to 58,183.

        8 nurses died in Vietnam - one was Killed In Action.

        17,539 of the men killed in Vietnam were married.

        303,704 personnel were wounded - 153,329 were hospitalized and 150,375 required no hospital care.

        88.4% of the men who actually served in Vietnam were Caucasian.

        10.6% of the men who actually served in Vietnam were Black.

        1% of the men who actually served in Vietnam were of other races.

        86.3% of the men who died in Vietnam were Caucasian (includes Hispanics).

        12.5% of the men who died in Vietnam were Black.

        1.2% of the men who died in Vietnam were of other races.

        170,000 Hispanics served in Vietnam.  Of that total, 3,070 (5.2% of the total) died there.

        34% of the Blacks who enlisted, volunteered for combat duty.

Source of the above information, Vietnam Veterans of America, Speakers Bureau Handbook provided by the Public Affairs Committee.

Military and Political leaders of the Vietnam War

Quote By Henry Kissinger

"We fought a military war; our opponents fought a political one. We sought physical attrition; our opponents aimed
for our psychological exhaustion. In the process we lost sight of one of the cardinal maxims of guerrilla war: the
guerrilla wins if he does not lose. The conventional army loses if it does not win. The North Vietnamese used their
armed forces the way a bull-fighter uses his cape — to keep us lunging in areas of marginal political importance."

Foreign Affairs, 1969
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2-12th Inf. - 1966-71

Welcome Veterans

This is my Orderly Room and the home of Charlie Company, but it is also home to our Battalion. This site has
been created as a tribute to  EVERYONE who has served with the Second Battalion, Twelfth Infantry
Regiment in Southwest Asia from 1966 to 1971. As the NCOIC of this website,  my briefing to you is
welcome, thanks for stopping in and I encourage you to participate by sharing your comments, photographs
and stories.

Some of the tools that you'll find located within this website are a guest book where you can leave your name
and email address or write messages for others to see and read.  You can contact me anytime at
webmaster@212warriors.com with anything that is on you mind; questions, information, your piece of
mind..... :-)

I served with Charlie Co. from March 12, 1968 to March 10, 1969 as a rifleman and later, an NCO. During that
time I got to know many good men and gained some lifetime friends. I could not have been more proud of
what I have done with my life, than the time I served with this unit. Although I have been using the internet
for years trying to track down guys I served with, it has only been recently that I really pushed to find people
and then make an earnest attempt to contact them. I have been partially successful.

Because of this effort, there are a few of us who have finally gotten together face to face at the Gatlinburg
reunion for the past few years. I have been asking myself why now? Why, all of a sudden did I want to get
back together with the guys? Then I asked myself why didn't I try and do this 10 or 15 years ago. Maybe it
was the reality of watching other military members getting their just do and recognition. It was time for us,
the Vietnam veteran as well. I am sorry I waited so long. Some of the guys I wanted to see have passed away. I
don't want that to happen again.  Check out my "Veteran's Today" page listed under the "Photo Albums" tab.

In this website you will find the 2/12th Infantry Vietnam history, rosters of the companies (incomplete) many
photo albums donated by the guys, maps of where we were, trivia, honors and remembrances, battle stories,
and veteran information including a VET locator, if you are trying to find someone, and lastly, my STORY
BLOG where I share stories of interest and encourage you to do the same.

Please sign my GUEST BOOK and thanks again for stopping  in to visit!

Arnold 'Sarge' Krause
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12th Inf. Regiment Monument  &  Unit Chapter  Information


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12th Inf Monument
Fear of Combat
Fatal ambush in the rice paddies

Ceremonies - Awards and Memorials
Destruction of Government Property
AWOL - Not exactly
12th Infantry Regiment Monument
Singing the Blues
Religion in War
Stand Down!

Recently published:
Dashboard Candle
Rest and Recupertion
The Barber
Growing Old
The Deadly Sin of War
Nui Ba Den
The Making of Leaders
Tribute to the Fallen
Friendly Fire
Finding the Missing Dead in Vietnam

Soon to be published:
The Missing Wallet

Life Member - 4th ID Assoc - 12th Inf Reg't Chapter & DMOR
Our 12th Inf Regt. Monument has been unveiled and dedicated on May 31, 2017 at 
Ft Benning, GA. on the Walk of Honor at the National Infantry Museum.

Click on the link below for photos and more informaton about

this event.

Books to Read - Click Here
Got Photos???
If you have photos sitting in your closet of your tour, why don't you send me copies so I can create your own photo album. Share your story with eveyone.
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Young Men in Harm's Way
By Arnold W Krause

A story about the 2-12th in Vietnam, 68-69
Read more about the story line in Books to Read - Available at Amazon or all book stores
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