Home of the 2-12th Inf Regiment
2nd Bde Casing Ceremony
February 13, 2018
The 2nd Brigade commander, Col Zinn, invited us to Ft Carson to participate in the casing ceremony. This was a Army tradition to case the regimental colors whenever the Brigade or battalion deploys out of the U.S., then arriving at their destination, another ceremony is held to uncase the colors.  In this case, it was the entire brigade that was leaving for Afghanistan and other parts of the middle east. Craig Schoonderwoerd accepted the invitation had arrived in Colorado Springs the evening of the ceremony only to be notified that it was being cancelled due to MG Randy George (4th ID commander) having a scheduling conflict.

I asked, since we were there, if there was anything else we could do for the day we would be in town. The X.O. Of 2-12th asked if we could be on post at the dining hall at 0800. We said yes and met up with LTC Kirby Dennis, CSM Tim Speichert, LTC Troy Mills and CSM Vince Simonetti along with a few others for breakfast.
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COL David Zinn, Brigade Cmdr
LTC Kirby "Bo" Dennis
Click on photo for slideshow
After breakfast, we visited with LT Joyce and his SFC over at Chosen Company area and visited with the troops there. We were asked to be back at BN HQ around 1030. There, LTC Kirby and CSM Speichert presented Larry Walter a gift for his work as the Honorary Regimental CSM. Following this presentation, we were invited over to BDE HQ and met COL David Zinn and CSM Anton Hillig for some conversation and picture taking. A bit later, we were told that MG Randy George was on his way over from DIV HQ to met up with us. The General was very gracious to us and offered to pose with us for more pictures and some small talk before he had to leave. Talk about the VIP treatment. It was a short but great trip to the post.
Kandahar Airfield
Col David Zinn CoC in Afghanistan
CSM Speichert - Col Dennis
1/12th CSM Simonetti & LTC Mills
Motor Pool
Craig schoonderwoerd, 4th ID Commander MG Randy George, Arnold Krkause