2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team
"Mountain Warrior" Brigade
COL Hugh W.A. Jones
Brigade Commander
Jan 2025-Present
CSM Joseph C. Cobb
Bde Command Sergeant Major
Mar 2024-Present

The 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, held a reflagging ceremony, changing its unit designation to the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team at the Special Events Center April 16, 2015.

As the final step in the Department of the Army Realignment plan for the 4th Inf. Div., the 4th IBCT colors were cased for the last time. This ceremony also activated the 1st Battalion, 41st Infantry Regiment and realigned the 52nd Brigade Engineer Battalion under the 2nd IBCT.

“Today we merge the histories of two stellar units (that have) both made indelible marks within the 4th Infantry Division,” said Commanding General Maj. Gen. Paul J. LaCamera, 4th Inf. Div. and Joint Task Force Carson. “While the ‘Warriors’ are changing their moniker (to "Iron Horse"), I’m confident they will not lose the warrior ways that they are known for.”

Before casing its colors, the 4th IBCT deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom three times, twice into Regional Command – East and most recently into Regional Command – South. Two of its Soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor and 20 earned the Silver Star.
Home of the 2-12th Inf Regiment
LTR - 1st & 2nd Bn 12th Inf, 1st Bn 41st Inf, 2nd Bn 77th F.A.,52nd Bde Engineers, 704th Support Bn,
Ft Carson Post
Ft Carson Post
t“The courageous actions of these men and woman and those of their comrades saved countless lives and represent the very best in our country,” said Col. Brian L. Pearl, commander, 2nd IBCT, 4th Inf. Div. “The efforts of our Soldiers will be remembered in our nation’s history as will the 56 Mountain Warriors who paid the ultimate price for their country.”

Before being inactivated the 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Inf. Div., deployed three times to Iraq, and once to Afghanistan, Kuwait and Jordan.

“We are proud to join the contributions of 4th Brigade with those of 2nd Brigade,” Pearl said. “We are absolutely honored to pick up and carry the storied 2nd Brigade colors forward. This is a proud day for us all.”

With this reflagging, the 4th Inf. Div. will become the first balanced division in the U.S. Army, explained LaCamera.

“The 4th Infantry Division has Stryker, light and armored forces, as well as an aviation brigade,” LaCamera said. “The 4th Infantry Division remains a strong, ready and viable force ready to conduct decisive action when called upon.”

The 2nd Brigade is composed of six maneuvering battalions: 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment; 2d Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment; 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment; 1st Battalion 41st Infantry Regiment, 2d Battalion, 77th Field Artillery; two support battalions,  4th Special Troops Battalion; 704th Support Battalion,

Beginning in the Spring of 2020, the 2nd Bde started the process of converting to a Stryker Brigade, adding 200 soldiers in the process. The training has been extensive and as of November, 2022 continues toward making the 2nd SCBT ready for deployment. The training involves the tactics and methods using the Stryker vehicles.

NOTE: as of 2022, month unknown.

Recently the 2SBCT changed it designation from "Iron Horse" to "Mountain Warriors" having received approval from the Command for Military History for this special designated nickname. Also, the 12th Infantry Regiment which has over the decades used various nicknames, never sought an offical special designation. That changed recently with the CMH granting the 12th the offical name of "Warrior Regiment."