Alpha Co.
ALPHA CO. Roster                   (updated 1/6/2025- Sarge)


CPT Allyn Palmer - (Cmdr at FT Lewis, WA. to RVN) SEP 66 to APR 67

CPT Charles "Ed" Smith -  APR 67-JUNE 67
CPT Burnet "Burnie" Quick JUN 67- DEC 67 - Awarded BS/V
CPT Jack Merle - DEC 67 (WIA DEC 2)
1LT Bobby Bates - DEC 67 - JAN 68

CPT Lansing T Hewitt JAN 68-MAR 68 - Awarded SS, BS/V
CPT Willie Hart - MAR-JUN 68
1LT Howard Renker, Ansonia, CT - JUN 68 thru AUG 68
1LT Michael D Christenson -AUG-SEPT 68
1LT Richard A. Wiggins, St. Petersburg, Fl.- 1 SEP 68 to 18 JAN 69, then BN S2 until APR 69 - Awarded BS/V, BS/M

CPT Clayton Matt - JAN-FEB 69
CPT Charles Boyd -  FEB -MAY 69 -Awarded BS/V
1LT Troy E Ross - JUN 69 Awarded SS
CPT Ronald J. Walters - JUL 69
CPT Eddie J. White - AUG 69 - DEC 69
CPT Jerry Andrews - DEC 69 - JAN 70

CPT Tony Moreno - JAN 70
CPT Gary A Franklin - MAY - JUN 70
UNKNOWN -  JUN 70 - NOV 70

Footnote: Richard Wiggins says he relieved Michael Christenson as Alpha Co; the chronology of
commander offices and months served that are listed here may be incorrect - Sarge AK


LT John Concannon - Ft Lewis to Vietnam; also 2nd Plt Ldr

1LT James Olafson -  4/66-9/67

LT Troy E. Ross - DEC 68 - JAN 69 - Awarded SS


1LT Jose Gonzales - 2nd Plt SEP 66 to APR 67
2LT Jerry Takier
2LT McKinney
2LT Robert Huffman
1LT Burnet "Bernie" R. Quick
1LT James Olafson - 3rd Plt SEP 66-FEB 67

LT Bobby Bates - 4th Plt Late 67 (acting CO OCT 67)
LT Andy Farris - SEP 67 to DEC 67 - then HHC, then Delta Co - DEROS'd 9/68
LT Dale Lamke - 67
LT Chuck Mohr - 3rd Plt DEC 67 to JUN 68
1LT James Olafson - 3rd Plt JAN-FEB 67
2LT John H Lattin - 2nd Plt APR 67 to JUN 67 (KIA'd with 173rd ABN)
1LT Mark " Bear " Jones  - 8/67-8/68 - went to BN as S-4

2LT Cliff Hanson 1st Plt - early 68 - Awarded BS/V
1LT Dean Walker - 2nd Plt
LT Howard Hanson - 2nd Plt - JUL 68
LT Peter Placo- 3rd PLt - - OCT 68
LT Howard Renker - 4th Plt 68
1LT Jeffrey Tidd - 2nd Plt
1LT Rickey Brantmeyer - AUG-NOV 68
2LT Tyrone J  Staten - 1st Plt (KIA) , Gary, IA - AUG 1968 to APR 69
1LT Troy E Ross - 3rd Plt - Columbia, S.C. - NOV 68 - DEC 68 - Awarded SS
1LT Gregory B. Jamison - Awarded BS/V

2LT Tippon - 1969
1LT Thomas W Hastings (KIA) - MAY 1969
1LT John Douglas McArthur - 3rd Plt  (KIA) - APR 1969
2LT Tony Harper - APR 1969 - Awarded DSC
1LT Steven Boal (KIA) - 1st Plt OCT 1969 - Awarded BS/V
1LT David Lee Sackett  (KIA) - 2nd Plt OCT 1969 - Awarded SS
1LT Duane Swift - 4th Plt - SEP 69; 3rd Plt OCT 69-DEC 69; then HHC Liaison Officer w/ARVN, S-2; DEROS'd 7/70
and back to Bravo Co June-Jul 70, then Bravo X.O.  To DEROS
1LT Steve M. Slayton - OCT 69, from C Co, to A Co then to HHC, then to Bravo Co.
1LT John Paschke -1st Plt OCT 69-APR 70

1LT Tony Alcaraz - 1st Plt - 11/69-11/70
1LT Kenneth Lancaster - Awarded BS/V

Forward Observer
1LT Daniel S Ford - OCT 68 - Grandson of Director John Ford
1LT Tim " Ski" Jachowski - 10/69-7/70


SFC Kimura - 66-67

Alpha Co.
Sullivan, SP4 Thomas J. - 1967, from Massachusetts

Swyers, PFC Thomas L. - 1967

Takier, PFC Jerry - 66-67

Tamish, PFC Jim - 66-67

Tassin, SP4 Bruce - 1968 - 1st Plt; served two tours, the second with the 101st ABN. From New Orleans, LA.

Taylor, SP4 Dwain - 3rd Plt - 12/68-12/69 from Kimball, MI.

Theriot, PFC Wilbert J. - 1967

Thomas, SGT Carlton " Tom "  01/69-10/69 - 3rd Plt , from Colquitt, GA

Thomas, PVT James S. - 1967

Thompson, Terry " Fritz " - 4/68-5/69 - 4th Plt, and HHC Commo, from Maryland

Thorne-Thomsen, PFC Spaul - 1967 - KIA'd 25 Oct 67

Thrailkill, SGT David L. - 1967

Tillman, PFC Cecil W - 1968 - KIA'd 10 Mar 69

Tock, SSG John J. - 1967

Todd, SGT David L. - 1967

Tomaszewski, PFC Thomas D - 1969 - KIA'd 24 Oct 69

Truitt, PFC Orville - 66-67

Truscott, SGT Terry C. - 4/68-5/69 - 1st Plt, from Ishpeming, Michigan

Tullos, PVT George B. - Awarded SS

Turner, PFC Talbert - 66-67

Turvey, SP4 Loren - Awarded BS/V

Unruh, PFC Lawrence - 1967, from Los Angeles, California

Uthemann, SSG Robert Erick - 1970 from Milwaukee, WI - KIA'd 4 Jun 70

Vallery, PFC Marion L - 66-67

Van Amburgh, PFC Fred - 66-67

Vanone, PFC Ron 1969

Varner, Sgt Mel - 8/68-8/69 - Awarded the BSM, ARCOM and 2 PHs

Vazquez, SSG Jose Gilbert - 1970, from Santurce, Puerto Rico - KIA'd 26 Apr 70

Virzi, SP4 Jerry - 3/67-3/68

Volkland, Kenneth " Ken " -

Walden, SGT Darrell E. - 1969 - Awarded DSC - KIA'd 7 Apr 69

Walker, PFC Dean - 66-67

Walker, SGT Edward L. - 1967, from California

Walter, SGT Larry - 66=67

Ward, PFC Eugene A - 1967 - KIA'd 20 May 67

Waschick, PFC Walter R - 1968 - KIA'd 9 Feb 68

Wassel, PFC Quenton - 66-67

Wells, SGT Robert "Butch" - 67-68 2nd Plt from Oklahoma

Wesolick Jr, SSG Harold J. - 1967, from Texas - KIA'd 9 Jan 68

White, PFC Gary L. - Awarded SS

White, SGT Kenneth L - 1969 - KIA'd 1 May 69

Will, SP4 David E. - Awarded BS/V

Willenbring, PFC Roy - 666=-67

Williamson, PFC Houston - 1967

Williams, SSG Lawrence - 1967, from New York

Williams, PFC John - 2/69-5/69, from MA.

Williams, SGT Rollace J. - Awarded SS

Williamson, PFC Houston - 66-67

Wilson, SP4 Arcemus J. - 1967 - Awarded BS/V

Wilt, PFC Terry - 66-67

Winchell, PFC - 66-67

Winquist, SGT Robert E. - 1967 - Awarded BS/V

Wolfe, SP4 John F. - 1967

Wolfgram, SP4 Russel  - Awarded BS/V

Woycehoski, PFC Ronald - 1967

Wright, Don - 12/69-11/70

Yates, PFC James E. - 1967, from Texas

Young, Dewey - 2nd Plt - 1967 MG crew

Zarlenga, PFC Thomas - 66-67

Zimmerman, PFC John R. - Awarded SS