Charlie Co.

Abbott, SP4 Paul W. - Oct66-Sep67

Abernathy, SGT David - (Oct69). Co. C. From Hutchinson, Kan.

Abney, PFC Wayne - 2nd plt Feb68-Jun68

Aguilar, SP4 Robert - 1969. Awarded Bronze Star medal for valor.

Akey, PFC Frank X - - Oct66-Sep67

Allenspech, SSG Thomas L. "TC" "Top Cat" - JUL70-JUN71. Co. C, 3rd platoon, platoon sergeant. NCOC "Academic Graduate."

Anderson, PFC James A - 3/69-3/70

Anderson, SGT Jessie L - 3/68-3/69 - 1st plt, then resupply out of Cu Chi

Anderson, SGT Kenneth L. - 1967. Co. C.

Anderson, SP4 Mark W. - 1970. Co. C. Awarded Bronze Star for valor.

Anderson, PFC Virgil L - Oct66-Sep67

Anguiano, PFC Andrew J - 3/69-3/70

Antu, PFC Juan - 7Feb68 to 9Jun68. Co. C KIA 9Jun68 in Tay Ninh Province at the age of 20. Private Antu was from Uvalde, Texas.

Armstrong, SP4 John R. - Sep?1967-68. Co. C.

Arrigoni, SP4 Ronald Louis - Oct66 to 3Jan67. Co. C KIA 3Jan67 in Binh Duong Province at the age of 20. Specialist Arrigoni was
from St. Paul, Minnesota and was married.

Artis, SP4 Charlie G. - 1970. Co. C. Awarded Bronze Star 18Sep70.

Atkinson, PFC Danny - 11/68-11/69 - 2nd Plt

Atkinson, SP4 Nathinie - 3/68-3/69

Augustine, Jerry SP4 - Mar67-Aug67 - 3rd Plt - also served with 196th LIB

Ausbern, SP4 John Raymond - 18Sep68 to 3Dec68. Co. C KIA 3Dec68 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 20. Posthumous
promotion to Corporal. Corporal Ausbern was from Sand Springs, Oklahoma.

Austin, SP4 William Eugene "Buck" - 13Jan70 to 31Jul70. Co. C,3rd platoon, KIA 31Jul70 in Tay Ninh Province at the age of 20.
Posthumous promotion to Sergeant. Sergeant Austin was a Native American from Lenior, NC and was married.

Aydelotte, SFC (PSG) (E7) Floyd G. - Sep?1967-68. Co. C.

Bacon, SGT Kent L - 9/68-9/70 2nd Plt

Bachman, PFC George T - 3/69-3/70

Badillo-Bonilla, PFC Jose - 3/68-3/69 - 1st Plt from Puerto Rico - awarded PH

Badillo, PVT Charles E - 7/68-7/69

Bafaro, SGT Ralph W. - Oct66-Sep67. Co. C. Awarded Bronze Star(Valor). From Spokane, WA.

Banting, PFC Vaughn - NOV70-APR71. Co. C, 3rd Plt RTO.

Barnes, PFC Ellis D - 9/68-9/69 - 3rd Plt

Barnett, PFC Leon - 3/68-3/69 - 3rd Plt

Barresi, SGT Donald N. - 1969 - Bronze Star awarded

Bartolomeo, SP4 William - 12/68-12/69

Bass, PFC Roy - 1970. Co. C, 3rd platoon.

Baughman, SP4 Steven - Nov68-Feb69 - 11B10 - Wounded Dec 3rd - Sent to Camp Zuma, then home. From Indiana

Beasley, SGT Wilburn - Co. C, weapons. "A good guy." NCO school Ft. Benning.

Beck, Richard W. - Feb70 to Dec70. Co. C, 3rd platoon. RTO for "Lieutenant K" (Kanelakos) then RTO for Co. C  C.O.

Becker, SP4 Vernon, 3rd Plt, 2nd squad - 10/68-10/69, from Denver, Colorado

Behrend, PFC James D - Oct66-Sep67

Belden, PFC Bill - FEB70 to JUL70 (after being transfered from E 2/39th INF & E 6/31st INF, 9th Inf. Div.).

Bell Jr., PFC James C - Oct66-Sep67

Bell III, PFC James T - Oct66-Sep67

Beltran, SP4 Robert Leon - 7/68 - KIA 12 December 1968 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 25. Specialist Beltran was from
Fremont, CA - 3rd Plt

Belue, SP4 Gene F - 11/67-11/68

Bennett, SGT Dennis R - 6/68-6/69

Bishop, PVT Albert L - 9/68-9/69

Bishop II, SGT Hugh L - 10/67-10/68 - 3rd Plt

Bishop, SP5 James - 3/69-12/69 - Company cook, from South Carolina

Black, SP4 Herbert L - 3/68-3/69 - 4th Plt (Mortarman)

Blackburn, PFC Ronnie - 11/68-11/69(?) 1st Plt - WIA and evac'd.

Bley, PFC John A - Oct66-Sep67

Bolden, PFC Johnny J - 3/69-3/70

"Boom-Boom" - 1969. Co. C Vietnamese Kit Carson scout. 3rd Plt

Bonner, SP4 Don W. - 12Apr68 to 3Dec68. Co. C KIA 3Dec68 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 24. Specialist Bonner was from
Hoxie, Arkansas and was married.

Boone, SGT - Co. C.

Boso, SP4 Carl R - 9/67-9/68 3rd Plt

Bossaller, SGT David Lee - 69-70 -  4.2 Mortar Plt - Awarded ARCOM/V & ARCOMM

Bowden, SP4 Billie J - 12/68-12/69 3rd Plt

Boyce, SP4 Argyle - 10/68=-10/69

Boyd, SP4 James O - 2/68-2/69 MOS 76Y20 Resupply

Boyer, PFC Charlie - Co. C.

Bradley, PFC James W - 3/69-3/70

Bradshaw, PFC Paul Leslie - 1Dec70 to 2Mar71. Co. C, 3rd platoon, KIA in Long Khanh Province (Xuan Loc AO) at the age of 19.
Asst. M-60 gunner and ammo bearer. Private Bradshaw was from Leavenworth, Washington. Awarded the SS and PH

Brady, PFC Daniel M - 12/68-12/69 3rd Plt

Brady, SGT Pat- 12/69 -3rd Plt squad leader

Bramble, PFC Robert - 3/71-4/71, then to D Co 1/20th, 23rd ID - also served with 3/22nd.

Branham, PFC Johnny Thomas - 21May67 to 20Jul67. Co. C KIA 20Jul67 in Tay Ninh Province at the age
of 18. Private Branham was from Winnsboro, South Carolina.

Brasher, SP4 Willard - 3/67-7/68 - 3rd Plt - RTO

Baughman, PFC Steven - 23Nov68-3 Dec68- 11B10 - Wounded Dec 3rd - Sent to Camp Zuma, then home. From Indiana

Breeding, PFC Dan "Danny Boy" - 1970-71. Co. C, 2nd platoon, RTO. WIA 8Jun70, then worked supply and as bartender at Dau
Tieng EM club.  From Tennessee.

Brim, PFC Robert L - 10/66-9/67

Brockman, PFC Gerald - 9/68-9/69 - 1st Plt

Broderson, SP4 Steven B. "Steve" - Co. C.

Browdy, PFC James W - 10/66-9/67

Brown, SP4 Dexane - 4/69-4/70

Brown, PFC Donald H - 3/69-3/70

Brown, SP4 Jimmy A - 10/66-9/67

Brown, PFC Raymond T - 8/68=89/69 - 2nd Plt

Brown, PFC William - 1st Plt RTO for LT James Parker, 7/69-7/70, from Charlotte, NC

Bruney, PFC John 11/68-11/69 from Sulphur, A

Bruning, PFC Howard C. - Co. C.

Buford, SSG Isaial - 10/66-9/67

Burton, PFC Bobby E. "B.B." - Co. C.

Burghart, SP4 Vincent P - 10/66-9/67

Buckley, SGT Dennis R - 8/68-3/69 - 3rd Plt gunner - WIA and evac'd to Japan, then home. BS/V, From Burbank, CA

Byrum, SGT Bobby - 2/68-2/69 - 1st Plt

Byrd, PFC Gary L - 8/68-8/69 - 2nd Plt

Cable, SFC Walter T - 8/68-8/69

Cain, SP$ Glennie Wayne - 27Feb69 to 8Apr69. KIA in Hua Nghia Province. Posthumous promoted to SGT. From Caruthersville,
Missouri and was married.
Holmdahl, PFC David C - Oct66-Sep67

Honn, Herman "Brent" - 28Dec68 to 21Mar70. 4.2" mortar FO (attached to C Co. from E Co.).

Hood, SGT Arthur J - 4th Plt -  Feb68-Feb69 - from Churchrock, NM

Hoppes, PFC Brian - Dec68-Dec69, 2nd Plt, from Freemont, NE

Hornelas, PFC Ismael Fernando - 18Mar69 to 8Apr69. Co. C KIA 8Apr69 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 20. Regular Army
(RA). Posthumous promotion to Corporal. Corporal Hornelas was from North Platte, Nebraska and was married.

Houck, SP4 John M - Mar68-Jan69. Co. C. From Farockoa, Queens, N.Y.

Housenga, SGT Garrett R. "Randy" - 1970. Co. C. Awarded on `18Sep70 a Bronze Star.

Houser, PFC Robert L - Oct66-Sep67

Huerta, Richard A. "Truck" - 1970. Co. C, 3rd platoon.

Huffman, PFC Gerald - 17Feb69 to 27Apr69. Co. B KIA 27Apr69 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 24. Private Huffman was
Cleveland, Ohio and married.

Hughes, SGT Ronald "Festus" - May70-Jul70. Co. C, 3rd platoon, squad leader. WIA and evacuated 31JUL70.

Hunt, SSG Charlie "Chuck" - 1969-70. Co. C, 2nd platoon, platoon sergeant.
Charlie Co.
Maxwell, SGT Roger L. "Hillbilly" - Jan70 to Dec70. Co. C, 3rd platoon. WIA 31JUL70. Pointman. Then Supply Sergeant.

Mayo, SP4 John - 1968. Co. C. Awarded Bronze Star for valor (BSM-V).

McCloskey, PFC Donald - Oct66-Sep67

McCloud, PFC Lawrence - 1968. From Greenville, MS. [tet/hoc mon/tln2Sep68]

McDermont, SP4 Clarence D. - Sep1967-68. Co. C.

McFarlane, PFC Kenneth - Oct66-Sep67

McGeath, PFC Richard Allen - 23Jun68 to 14Jul68. Co. C KIA 14Jul68 in Gia Dinh Province at the age of 20. Private Mc Geath was from Murphysboro, Illinois and was married.

McGough, PFC Richard W. - Sep?1967-68. Co. C.

McInvale, SP4 James "Big Jim:" D. - Aug68-69. Co. C. 3rd plt - BS/V from Alabama

McLaughlin, SP4 Ronald - Oct66-Sep67

McKay III, PFC Eugene Henry - 28Nov70 to 5Jan71. Co. C KIA 5Jan71 in Long Khanh Province (Xuan Loc AO) at the age of 20. Private McKay was from Orlando, Flrida.

McKenzie, SSG Donald F. - Co. C KIA 10Dec68 at Bo Heo, Hua Nghia Provicne, at the age of 22. Staff Sergeant McKinzie was from Lumberton, North Carolina.

McLain, SGT First Class David R. - 1969

Mench, PFC Dennis W. - 1969-70. Co. C, 1st platoon.. WIA on 3Dec69.

Menzer, PFC Richard - 66-67 - Also in HHC

Merrit, SGT - 1971. Co. C, 3rd platoon. WIA 2Mar71.

Michalski, PVT Hans J - Oct66-Sep67

Miller, PFC Charles "Ed", Apr68-Apr69, 2nd Plt, from Grafton, WV

Miller, PFC Gary - Co. C.,

Miller, PFC Jerry Dec66-67 - 2nd plt. Also served with the Wolfhounds

Miller, SP4 Jimmy Allen - 22Sep66 to 5Jan67. Co. C KIA 5Jan67 in Binh Duong Province at the age of 20. Specialist Miller was from Los Angeles, California.

Miller, Percy SP4 - Jun68-69 3rd plt - from St Petersburg, FL, Passed away 2000

Miller, PFC Richard A - Oct66-Sep67

Milner, PFC Melvin W - Oct66-Sep67

Milstead, SGM Antonio - Oct66-Sep67

Miner, SP4 Clark N - Oct66-Sep67

Ming, PFC Ken - 3rd Plt - Oct66-Oct67, from Kalispell, MT

Minor, PFC Matthew J - Oct66-Sep67

Minks, George - Co. C.

Mirabile, SSG Salvatore - 1970. Co. C.

Mitchell, PFC Gary W - Oct66-Sep67

Mitchell, PFC Roger C. - 22Sep66 to 5Jan67. Co. C KIA 5Jan67 in Binh Duong Province at the age of 20. Posthumous promotion to Corporal. Corporal Mitchell was from Delano, California.

Miura, PFC Maurice I - Oct66-Sep67

Montagano, PFC Donald J - Oct66-Sep67

Montano, SGT Nick - Jan1967-68. Co. C. 2nd Plt, from New Mexico

Moore, SPC Dennis V - Oct66-Sep67

Moore, MSG James A. - 1969-70. Co. C First Sergeant. From Tacoma, Washington. [Then to HHC as 1st SGT]

Moore, SP4 Roddy - Oct66-Sep67 - 2nd Plt and RECONDO, from Omaha, NE

Moran, PFC William J - Oct66-Sep67

Morelock, SP4 Larry L - Oct66-Sep67

Moreno, SP4 Martin Walter - 22Sep66 to 5Jan67. Co. C KIA 5Jan67 in Binh Duong Province at the age of 26. Specialist Moreno was from Newark, California and was married.

Morgan, Bill R. - Dec69-Nov70. Co. C.

Morgan, Joe - 1967-68 Dau Tieng

Morris, David - 1970-71

Morrill, Jerry - Sept67-68 2nd plt

Morson, Jim - Nov67 to May68. Co. C 4th platoon.

Moseby, PFC Daniel L - Oct66-Sep67

Moss, PFC Govinier (sp?) - 1970. Co. C, sharpshooter.

Moss, SGT James - 1969-70. Co. C. From Alton, TX.

Moss, SGT Steve - Jul69 to Oct70 (extended). Co. C, 1st platoon, 1st squad - squad leader and platoon sergeant.

Mowry, PFC William - 6/70-3/71

Mueller, PFC Charles - 1/70-11/70 - 4th Plt

Mueller, PFC Herb - Jun-Aug68

Mulligan, SP4 Billy D. - 1969

Murphy, PFC John M. "Murph" - Mar69 to Dec69. Co. C.

Myers, PFC James M - Oct66-Sep67
Wadkins, SP4 Ralph - Co. C JUL67 to JUL68. 11B & 11C. - Retired as Sergeant First Class.

Wales, PVT Edward A. -April 1968-69. 3rd Squad, 3rd plt. WIA 23Oct68. - Transferred in from Delta Co around June, from Bronx, NY

Walsh, PFC John - Sep?1967-68. Co. C.

Walstad, PFC Thomas F - Oct66-Sep67

Warenski, SGT Peter P. "Pete" "Grandpa" - Age 24,  May70-May71 - 4th Plt - Weapons (81MM)

Warner, SP4 Arthur Lee - 27May68 to 3Dec68. Co. C KIA 3Dec68 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 20. Specialist Warner was from Charleston Heights, South Carolina.

Watkins, SP4 Bennie - 1967-68. Co. C.

Weinand, PFC Bob "the Kid" - 3rd Plt 70-71, from Texas

Wells, Darrell L. "Okie" - Apr70 to Mar71. C Co. & HHC.

Wells, PFC John - Sep 1967-68. Co. C

Welk, PFC Lloyd M - Oct66-Sep67

Wilkes, PFC Robert - 1968. From Staten Island, NY. [NOTE:tln1Jul68]

Wills, Bob "Grodie" - Feb70 to 31Jul70. Walked point and "slack." WIA and evacuated 31JUL70.

Williams, Jr., SP4 Curtis F. - 2Apr67 to 31Oct67. Co. C KIA 31Oct67 in Tay Ninh Province at the age of 20. Specialist Williams was Regular Army (RA) and from Stuart, Florida.

Williams, Jr., SSG Howard N. - Nov69 to Nov70. 3rd platoon weapons squad leader, 1st platoon rifle
squad leader, platoon leader, mortar platoon platoon sergeant, and ran EM club at Dau Tieng. NCOC graduate; 73d Company May-19Aug69.

Williams, PFC Louis - 1970. Co. C, 3rd platoon.

Wills, PFC Robert W. - Co. C.

Winters, PFC Ralph M. "Sugar Bear" - Mar70 to 15Jan71. Co. C, 3rd platoon, RTO. Awarded Bronze Star for Valor

Wojtyszyn, PFC Roman - Oct66-Sep67

Woodfork, PFC Marion - 1968-69. Co. C.

Woods, SGT Burt H. "Burt" - 1970. Co. C, Squad leader for the 3rd platoon.

Woody, SP4 Thomas E. - 1969.

Worden, PFC Gary D - Oct66-Sep67

Wright, SP4 Stephen - 1967-68. Co. C.

Yanez, SP4 Victor Manuel - 11Jan69 to 11May69. Co. C KIA 11May69 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 21. Posthumous promotion to Sergeant. Sergeant Yanez was from San Francisco, California.

Ybarra, SGT Frank  Apr 1968-1969. Co. C. 1st plt. From Merced, Calif.

Young, PFC Lawrence M - Nov66-Oct67

Young, PFC Richard - Sep1967-68. Co. C.

Zimmerman, SGT Russell "Zoom" - Apr68-69 3rd Squad, 3rd plt from Chalotte, Michigan
Taisler, PFC Joseph Andrew - 6Apr69 to 11Jul69. Co. C KIA 11Jul69 in Hua Nghia Province at the age 21. Posthumous promotion to Corporal. Corporal Taisler was from Woodside, New York.

Taitague, SP4 Johnny Salas - 13Aug67 to 22Apr68. Co. C KIA 22Apr68 in Tay Ninh Province at the age of 20. Specialist Taitague was from Talofofo, Guam.

Talley, SGT Jerry - 3rd Plt - 11/69-11/70, from Indianapolis, IA

Tassen, SGT Steve (Curtis) Dec68-Feb70 -  3rd Squad, 3rd Plt. From West Virginia

Temple, PFC Herbert "Big Dog" - 1969-70. Co. C.

Thompson Sr., PFC Arnold G. - 21Oct69 to 20Oct70. Co. C.

Thompson, PFC Maury C. - Co. C.

Thompson, SP4 (promoted SGT) Richard R. - 3/68-3/69. 1st Plt, Co. C., from Oregon

Thompson, PFC Robert E. - Sep?1967-68. Co. C. - Passed away 2012

Thunstrom, PFC David R. - Co. C.

Thurston, PFC Wesley George - 24Aug67 to 5Feb68. Co. C KIA 5Feb68 in Binh Duong Province at the age of 26. Private Thurston was a draftee from Rochester, New York.

Tidwell, PFC Joseph Stanley - 7Dec70 to 17Jan71. Co. C casualty 17Jan71 in Long Khanh Province (Xuan Loc AO) at the age of 22.

Tilley, Jr., SSG Hubert Samuel - 14Apr69 to 11May69. Co. C KIA 11May69 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 20. Staff Sergeant Tilley was from Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

Todd, SGT Larry P. - Jun70 to Mar71. Co. C, 2nd platton (Bob Irving's) - 2nd squad, squad leader. Ft. Benning NCOC graduate.

Toles, PFC Thomas - Oct66-Sep67

Toner, PFC Robert E. - Sep?1967-68. Co. C.

Tostado, SP4 Jesse - 9/68-4/69, 3rd Squad, 3rd Plt, from San Bernadino, Ca.

Toto, SP4 George JUL68-69 3rd Squad, 3rd Plt- PH w/2 OLC's from Pennsylvania

Trott, PFC Michael A - Oct66-Sep67

Tryon, Jr., PFC Lee - 6Jun69 to 20Jul69. Co. C KIA 20Jul69 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 21. Posthumous promotion to Corporal. Corporal Tryon was from San Diego, California.

Tufts, PVT William - 1969. Had a daughter born on Oct. 15, 1969 while in Viet-Nam.

Turcotte, PFC  - JAN 8 69 - MAR 22 69. Co. C, 3rd platoon.

Turner, SGT Jack - 1969-70. Co. C Dec69 to Mar70. [From Co. B, then C, then HHC.]

Turner, SP4 Roy M. - Co. C. 2nd Plt - Nov 69-Oct 70, then to HHC Bde X.O. Driver; Awarded Arcomm, PH/OLC

Tyler, PFC Jasper N - 7/69-7/70 - also served in Bravo Co.

Tyser, PFC William 4/68-/5/69

Vasquez, PFC Joseph from L.A.,Ca.

Veeh, PFC (promoted to SGT) Gary R. - Nov69 to Nov70. Co. C, 1st platoon. RTO and Commo Chief at FSB Warrior. WIA 3Dec69.

Volk, SGT Barclay Leonard - 16SEP69-17APR70. Co. C, 3rd platoon, KIA 17APR70 in Binh Duong Province
at the age of 20. 3rd platoon Squad Leader. Posthumous promotion to Staff Sergeant. SSG Volk
was from Billings, Montana. NCOC Ft. Benning Class 17Jun69.

Sandoval, SGT Jose G. - 1970. Co. C. Awarded, on 18Sep70, a Bronze Star Medal.

Satterthwaite, PFC Richard D. "Satch" - 21Sep68 to 19Mar69. Co. C KIA 19Mar69 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 21. Posthumous promotion to Corporal. Corporal Satterthwaite was from Butte, Montana.

Scheild, PFC James S. - Co. C.

Schenk, PFC Alan - May68-May69, 2nd Plt, from Mankato, MN

Schmelter, SFC Allen A - Oct66-Sep67

Schoonderwoerd, SSG Craig - Mar 1968-69. Co. C. , awarded SS, 1st Plt From Riverside, Ca

Schraeder, SGT Paul - 1970. Co. C. From Lindenwood, NJ. Wore size 15 boot.

Schultz, PFC David Joel - Mar 1968. Co. C KIA April 4, 1968 in Tay Ninh Province at the age of 21. Private Schultz was from Kent, WA.

Schultz, PFC Edward August - 9Jan68 to 4Mar68. Co. C KIA 4Mar68 in Gia Dinh Province at the age of 21. Private First Class Schultz was from San Luis Obispo, California.

Segura, SP4 Jorge A - Oct66-Sep67

Sell, Terry. L. - Co. C.

Serrano, SP4 Carol J - Grenadier, 3rd Plt - Jun68-Jun69, from Puerto Rico or NY

Shaw, SP4 Gary W - Oct66-Sep67

Sheffield, PVT James Timothy - 12Jun68 to 3Dec68. Co. C KIA 3Dec68 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 19. Private Sheffield was from Tallahassee, Florida.

Shelton, SGT David O. - Aug69 to Aug70. Co. C, 1st platoon, 1st squad. Grenadier, RTO (for 1LT Miller), then M-60 machine gunner. WIA 3Dec69. [Retired as SFC after 20 years in the US Army.] Awarded the Soldiers Medal.

Shilling, SP4 Paul E. - Co. C.

Shumaker, PFC Robert "Bob" - C Co. JUL-Nov68 [from A Co. Nov67-Jul68]

Siever, PFC, Co. C - 1969 - Served only one month, wounded and sent home.

Simmons, PFC Williams E. - Sep?67-68. Co. C.

Simpson, SGT 1st Class - 1966-67. 2nd platoon Platoon Sergeant.

Sims, SFC Joseph - Oct66-Sep67

Sirratt, SSG Dewey R - Oct66-Sep67

Sistrunk, PVT Creighton Wayne - 19May70 to 8Jun70. Co. C KIA 8Jun70 in Cambodia at the age of 20.
Private Sistrunk was from Monticello, Mississippi and was married.

Sitze, SGT Gary - Jan69 to Jan70, 2nd Plt, from Marquand, Missouri

Smith, PFC George W. - 1969-70. Co. C, 1st platoon. WIA on 3Dec69.

Smith, SFC Herbert - 1971. Co. C, First Sergeant ("Top"). The last First Sergeant of Charlie in Vietnam.

Smith, SP4 Jerry N. - 1969. Co. C. Awarded Bronze Star for valor.

Smith, SP4 Wendell - 1967-68. Co. C.

Snider, SGT Ronald - 3rd Plt - Apr69-Aug69 - WIA at PB Dees, from Pennsylvania

Sneathern, PFC Jerry L - Oct66-Sep67 from Missouri

Snoglund, SP4 Dennis A - Oct66-Sep67

Solem, SP4 Bruce Lyle - Dec68 to Jul69. Co. C, 3rd platoon. - from Minnesota

Sovey, PFC Thomas G. - 8/68-8/69. ARCOM (Valor) awarded, from Washington

Spann, PFC John - Dec68-May69

Spranker, SGT Clark E - Oct66-Sep67

Spriggs, PFC Thomas E. - Sep1967-68. Co. C

Sprinkle, SSG William B - Oct66-Sep67

Stade, PFC Ronald L -Oct66-Sep67

Starkey, PFC John - Nov67-Nov68 HHC, C & D Co.'s

Starling, PFC Joe Dec68-69 3rd Plt - from Florida

Steel, SFC Harold A  Plt Sgt 2nd plt APR 68

Steimel, SP4 Gregg Francis - Jan. 12, 1970 to 31Jul70. Co. C, 3rd platoon, KIA 31JUL70. Awarded the nations second highest award for valor - the Distinguished Service Cross (DSC).

Stenger, PFC Richard G - Oct66-Sep67

Stepsie, SP4 Ronald Stevens - 30Sep68 to 12Dec68. Co. C KIA 12Dec68 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 21. Stepsie was from Boyertown, Pennsylvania.

Sterling, PFC Joe - Sep?1967-68. Co. C.

Stewart, PFC James - 1969. Co. C. From St. Louis, MO.

Stone, PFC Dwight C. "Stoney" - Nov70 to Mar71. Co. C, 3rd platoon machine gunner.

Strait, PFC Steven C - Oct66-Sep67

Stuart, PFC Allan T - Oct66-Aug67 - 1st Plt

Studebaker, SSG - 1969. Co. C, 3rd platoon, Platoon Sergeant.

Suitor, PFC Jerry - 1968. Co. C.

Szabo, SSG Jeff - 1970. Co. C. From Bowling Green, Ohio.
Quesnoy, SGT Edward - 2nd Plt - 1967-68

Quick, SP4 William W - Oct66-Sep67

Quintana, PFC Richard R - Oct66-Sep67

Quintanilla, SP4 Arturo - 7/68 Co. C. 3rd plt WIA 21Oct68.; transferred to Special Forces early '69

Raezer, PFC Scott - 6/67-12/67

Ramsey, SGT Richard D. - 1970. Awarded Bronze Star for Valor

Ramirez, SP4 Ray - Oct66-Sep67

Ramos, SP4 Ray J - Oct66-Sep67

Randall, SSG Mitchell S - Oct66-Sep67

Ransier, PFC James 1970-71

Rantz, PFC Dennis L - Oct66-Sep67

Rawls, Robert PFC - Apr70-Mar71

Ray, SGT Ellison E. - 1969

Red Elk, SP4 William C. - Nov69 to Nov70. Co. C, 3rd platoon.

Reed, PFC Bruce Edward - 29Oct68 to 28Feb69. Co. C KIA 28Feb69 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 20. Point man. Posthumous promotion to Corporal. Corporal Reed was from Peekskill, NY.

Reed, PFC Glen A. "Turtle" - 7Jan70 to 20Mar71. Co. C, 3rd platoon M-79 grenadier.

Reed, PFC Glendel G - Oct66-Sep67 from Bakersfield, CA

Reed, SGT Ron - Mar68-Mar70 - 11C - 4th Plt Mortar from Kentucky

Reiger, SP4 Pius A - Oct66-Sep67

Reitman, PFC George - Apr68-Apr69, 2nd Plt, from Freetown, IN

Renta, SP4 Robert F - Oct66-Sep67

Reynolds, PFC Craig A - Oct66-Sep67

Rhode, PFC Don - 12/70-5/71

Ricardo, SP4 Thomas - Oct66-Sep67

Ricci, SGT Gary S. - 1969-70. Co. C, 1st platoon. WIA on 3Dec69.

Rice, SGT Theodore "Ted, the barber" - Oct66-Aug67 , 2nd squad leader, 3rd Plt, from Medina, Washington, PH

Richards, PFC David J - Oct66-Sep67

Richardson, SP4 Everett - Oct66-Sep67

Richardson, PFC Lovette - Oct66-Sep67

Richie, SP4 Larry D - Oct66-Sep67

Richmond, SP4 James T - Oct66-Sep67

Riggs, SP4 William "Bill" - Oct66-Sep67

Rinkle, PFC Mike - 1968,  3rd Plt

Roberts, PFC Dave - 10/70-12/70 from South Carolina, WIA'd and sent home

Roberts, SGT Ralph E. - 1969

Robertson, SSG Alan E. - 1968. Co. C.

Rocco, SSG David J. - Jan70 to Nov70. Co. C,2nd platoon, Platoon Sergeant. Then rear NCO-IC.

Rode, SP4 Robert H - Oct66-Sep67

Rodgers, PFC Ralph W - Oct66-Sep67

Rodriguez, SP4 Josue - Oct66-Sep67

Rodriquez Jr, PFC Raul - 1970-71

Roehmer, SSG Robert "Paul" - 8Dec68 to 16Apr69. Co. C KIA 16Apr69 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 21. Roehmer graduated August 13, 1968 from the NCOC, Harmony Church, Ft. Benning, GA with the rank of staff sergeant. SSG Roehmer was from Kingsville, Maryland and was married.

Romanenko, PFC Walter - Oct66-Sep67

Romie, PFC Michael J - Oct66-Sep67

Rosetti, SP4 Joseph P - Oct66-Sep67

Rosignol, PFC Howard E - Oct66-Sep67

Ross, SGT James R. - 1970. Co. C. Awarded Bronze Star (Valor).

Rowe, PFC Richard - 1966-67. HHC 4.2" mortar FO attached to Charlie Company

Roy, PFC Daniel J - Oct66-Sep67

Royster, PFC Wilson L. - Sep?67-68. Co. C.

Ruiz, SGT Audias G. - Oct66-Sep67 Awarded Bronze Star(Valor).

Ryals, (?) - Co. C.
Nash, SGT John E. - 1970. Co. C, 1st platoon. Awarded Bronze Star (Valor). WIA on 3Dec69.

Nedved, SP4 Ronald C. - 1968. Co. C.

Nelson, SP4 Gregg W "Baby Huey" - 1970. Co. C, 3rd platoon. On 18Sep70 a awarded Bronze Star.

Nelson, SP4 Lonnie M. - 1970. Co. C. Awarded Bronze Star (Valor).

Nendza, PFC Dan - Jul67 to Feb68. Co. C.

Neumann, PFC Karl G - Oct66-Sep67

New, SGT Gary - Jun69-Jun70 2nd Plt from Muncie, Indiana - Awarded ARCOM

Nielsen, SP4 Gary - Aug69 to Nov70. Co. C.

Norgaard, PFC Larry Wayne - 25Aug67 to 5Feb68. Co. C KIA 5Feb68 at the age of 20. Private Norgaard was from Iroqouis, South Dakota.

Norris, SGT Willie J. - 1970. Co. C. Awarded 18Sep70 a Bronze Star Medal.

Nyberg, SP4 David I. - 1967-68. Co. C.

O'Connor, PFC Edmund Anthony - 18Jan68 to 12Feb68. Co. C KIA 12Feb68 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 20. Private O'Connor was a mortarman (MOS: 11C10). He was from Lindenhurst, New York.

O'Connor, PFC Joe - 1970. Co. C.

Overstreet, MSG James A - Oct66-Sep67 - Top Sgt

Owings, PFC Gary L - Oct66-Sep67

Owry, PFC William - 1970-71. Co. C.

Parker, PFC Harvey R - Oct66-Sep67

Parsons, PFC Daniel S. "Parsons" - 5Dec69 to 20Feb71. Co. C, 2nd platoon RTO, then to Battalion TOC. RTO for LT's Lochner, Newman and Seehausen.

Partee, SFC John Leroy "Pappy" - 31Mar68 to 29Mar69. Co. C, 3rd platoon, platoon sergeant,
died of Wounds (suffered on 19Mar69) on 29Mar69 at the age of 38. Sergeant Partee had 18 years Army service. Partee was from Concord, North Carolina and was married.

Partinson, PFC Dennis - Sep-1967-68. Co. C.

Patterson, SGT William "Bill" - 1st Plt - Rifleman and RTO - Oct66-Sep67 from Seattle, Wa.

Pauley, SP4 Jerry D - Oct66-Sep67

Pearson, SP4 Carl - Oct66-Sep67

Pearson, SP4 David L. - 22Sep66 to 5Jan6. Co. C KIA 5Jan67 in Binh Duong Province at the age of 20. Specialist Pearson was from Maxwell, Iowa and married.

Pelland, Thomas D. - Co. C.

Pena, PFC Elias - Sep?1967-68. Co. C.

Peters, PFC Robert - 1969-70. Co. C.

Peterson, PFC Bruce D - Oct66-Sep67

Peterson SP4 Keith E - Oct66-Sep67

Peterson, PFC Ricky K - Oct66-Sep67

Petty, PFC Jesse H. - Sep?1967-68. Co. C.

Phillips, PFC Ernest R - Oct66-Sep67

Phillips, SP4 Thomas G - Oct66-Sep67

Phillips, PFC Willie B. - 1968. Assistant machine gunner from Columbus, GA.

Pike, PFC Nixon Dewayne - 8Dec69 to 18Feb70. Co. C KIA 18Feb70 in Binh Duong Province at the age of 22. Private Pike was from Houston, Texas and married.
Manty, PFC Gary D. - Sep?1967-68. Co. C.

Manzanares, SP4 Thomas T. "Tom" - Mar69-Mar70. Co. C machinegun Squad Leader at "Skips" time.

Marschall, SP4 Joergen - 1969

Marshall, PFC Chas T - Oct66-Sep67

Martinez, PFC Dean A - Oct66-Sep67

Martinez, PFC James R - Oct66-Sep67

Martsolf, SSG Alfred - 1st Plt - Aug68-69, squad leader and plt sgt, from Pennsylvania

Marziano, SSG Hiram J. Mar 1968-69. - RTO for C.O. 1LT Jay Hickey, later NCOIC in Cu Chi

Mason, "Sergeant" "Top" - Co. C First Sergeant (a.k.a. "Top").

Massey, SGT Walter J. - 1969-70. Co. C, 3rd platoon, Squad Leader.

Massey, SSG [poss. same Massey as above] - DEC69-FEB70(+). Co. C, 2nd platoon, Platoon Sergeant.

Matheny, Bill - 1970-71. Co. C.
Pilkinton, SGT Sidney C. - Oct66-Sep67 - Co. C. Awarded Bronze Star (Merit).

Pinkepank, PFC Hans D - Oct66-Sep67 - Co. C.

Pitre, PFC Anthony R - Oct66-Sep67

Pomer, PFC Ken - 1970-71. Co. C, 3rd platoon grenadier.

Poole, SGT Eugene G. - 1970. Awarded 2 Bronze Stars for Valor

Post, PFC Lonny J - Oct66-Sep67

Poston, SSG William Thomas - Co. C 10Sep67 to 28SEP67. KIA 28Sep67. He was "Regular Army" and had been in the Army for four years.Sergeant Poston was married and from Dallas, TX.

Powers, SP4 John L. - Sep?67-68. Co. C. Awarded Bronze Star (Valor).

Phelps, PFC Daniel L. - Sep?67-68. Co. C.

Presley, PFC Danny P. - 1st Plt 28Jul69-Oct69. Awarded Bronze Star (Valor). WIA 7 OCT near Trang Bang. Sent home.

Price, SGT Barry E. Mar 68-Mar 69 3rd plt. Machine gunner from Loretto, KY.

Bailey, CPT Jim - 1969 (Summer). Co. C, Commanding Officer (CO).

Beach, 1LT Martin - 1968. Artillery FO attached to Co.C (in APR68). ["After he left the 2/12th Beach became a Battery commander and was awarded a DSC..." - Source: Dick Wiggins]

Brown, 1LT Christopher C - April 1968-69 - 3rd Plt leader, transferred to 3/22nd in June

Clendening, 2LT Jon - 1966-67. 3rd platoon Platoon Leader FEB66 to JAN67.

Duncan, 1LT Billy - Jul69 to Nov69. Co. C, 3rd platoon, Platoon Leader from Atlanta, GA. Nov69 assigned to Nui Ba Den. DEROS'd July 4th, 1970. [Retired in 1993 as Lt. Colonel.]

Ellinger, 1LT Victor Lee "Pete" "Vic" or "Lieutenant E" - 18Jul70 to 24Nov70. Co. C, platoon leader, KIA 24Nov70 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 24. Lieutenant Ellinger was from Stauton, Virginia and married.

Ford, 1LT Jimmy - Sep 67 to April 1968. Co. C. 2nd Plt, then XO (from Buena Vista, Georgia)

Gietka, 1LT Louis M. "Duke"- 10/68-10/69 - 1st and 2nd Platoon Leader, then X.O. [From Clarks Summit, PA]

Grace, 1LT Ted - Jan70 to Dec70. Arty FO attached to C Company.

Guiterrez, 1LT "Chuck" - Co. C. 1970

Harper, 2LT Tom - 1966-67. 4th platoon (Weapons Platoon) Platoon Leader MAR66 to JAN67.

Hawthorne, 1LT James S. - 1968-69. Charlie Company Platoon Leader. From Austin, TX.

Hendricks, Ron, 1LT - May 30 to Aug 29, 1968 -  C Co. C.O. (came over from Delta Company)

Hickey, 1LT Jay L.  Sep 1967-68. C Co. Platoon Leader, XO and latter C.O. Awarded Bronze Star (Valor).

Kanelakos, 1LT James L. "Jim" or "Lieutenant K" - Jan70 to Jan71. Co. C, 3rd platoon, platoon leader. Awarded Bronze Star (Valor).

Keehn, 2LT Terry A. - Sep?1967-68. Co. C.

Leiphart, 1LT Edward W. - 1970. Co. C platoon leader. Awarded Bronze Star (Valor).

Liljestrand, 1LT Kenneth J. - 1970. Co. C, Awarded Silver Star.

Lochner, CPT John - 1970. Co. C Commanding Officer (CO) beginning about April of '70. Highly regarded Company Commander. Awarded Silver Star. [Also Bn HQ S-4.]

McDaniel, 1LT R.W. -  Mar 1968. Co. C 3rd platoon leader June to  Sept when promoted to C.O. until  Dec. 68; wounded in firefight, and sent home in December. (passed away in 2009)

Merrett, 1LT James Allen - 2 Nov 68 to 12 Dec 68. Co. C platoon leader, KIA 12 Dec 68 near Trang Bang, Hua Nghia Province, at the age of 23. KIA on road security outside Trang Bang. Lieutenant Merrett was from Phoenix, Arizona.

Miller, 1LT Melvin A."Buster" - DEC69-MAR70. Co. C, 1st platoon, Platoon Leader From Davenport, Iowa. [Then to Echo Co. RECON.]

Morrow, CPT Lee - MAR 69 C.O.

Mull, 2LT Danny E. - 3rd Plt MAR 69 to OCT 69, then to Echo CRIPS until OCT 2, 1969 - Medevac to Camp Zama, Japan

Napper, CPT John E. - Dec 66 to Dec 67. Co. C Commanding Officer (C.O.) from Feb 67 (replacing CPT Chris Stone) to JUL 67. Co. C commander at the battle of Soui Tre, 21 Mar 67. Awarded Bronze Star/V. [Also served with BN HQ: Dec 66-Feb 67 S-3 (Air); Jul 67-Dec Bn Adjutant (S-1). Captain Napper has the distinction of being the first officer to be assigned to the battalion as a 'replacement officer' in December 1966.]

Neuman, CPT Michael J. "Mike" - 1969-70. Co. C commanding officer (CO). Awarded Silver Star and Bronze Star medals for valor.

Newkirk, 2LT Bob - 1966-67. Co. C 1st platoon Platoon Leader MAR66 to MAR67. [HHC Co. Commander Apr67 to Sep67]

Newman  CPT - 1969. Co. C, Commanding Officer (CO before Neuman).

O'Leary, CPT - 1971. Co. C, Commanding Officer. The last Commanding Officer (CO) of Charlie Company in Viet-Nam.

Oura, CPT Donald M.  - Jul -Decc1967 Co. C Commanding Officer (C.O.)

Parker, 1LT James S.  Aug 69-Dec69. Co. C, 1st platoon, Platoon leader. Chelmsford, Mass. WIA & evac (Oak Leaf) 3Dec69

Parish, CPT William N. - Sept 68 - C.O. For a brief time when Hendricks left.

Rawlison, 1LT Rembert G. "Rawly" - 1967. Co. C platoon leader Mar67 to May67(+/-); then became
Co. C Executive Officer (XO).

Schott, Jr., 1LT Earl E. - 1967 C Co 3rd platoon leader then XO; then Bn S-3(Air) in late Nov67 at Dau Tieng.

Seehausen, 1LT Verne - 1969 - 70. C Co., 2nd platoon, Platoon Leader from OCT69 to APR70. Awarded Bronze Star (Valor). [Apr70 to Echo Co.] From Crown Point, Indiana.

Sheehan, 1LT Mike - Nov68 to Mar69. Co. C. 3rd platoon, platoon leader. WIA riding convoy back to Pershing. [NOTE: When Sheehan came on board in NOV68 he became the 3rd platoon's 6th platoon leader since March. Source: Arnold Krause]

Simpson, 2LT Robert J. - 1969

Slayton, 1LT Steve - C Co., 2nd platoon Sep 69-24 OCT 69; then A Co. 2nd platoon leader from 24Oct69 until after Christmas; then B Co. XO. Last four months of tour as 25th Aviation Bn S-1.

Smith, CPT Vernon C. - 1967-68. C Co. CO. Awarded Silver Star.

Stone, CPT Edmund C. "Cris" - November 1965 Co. C Commanding Officer (C.O.) until 16Mar67. Bronze Star (Valor) awarded. Ist company commander in Vietnam

Vandervoort, Hugh M 2LT - April 68 from 3/22nd, then HHC til June

Weeks, 2LT Waylon - 1966-67. 2nd platoon Platoon Leader MAR66 to FEB67.

Wiggins, 1LT Richard - March 68 -  June to Sept, Co. C, 2nd platoon, Platoon Leader. September to Co. A as CO. Until Jan69 then to battalion as S2 until DEROS

Williams, 1LT - 1971. Co. C, 3rd platoon, Platoon Leader.

Wilson, 1LT Carl - 1970. Co. C, platoon leader.
CHARLIE COMPANY                                    (updated 3/29/2023 - Sarge)
2/12th Infantry Regiment, 4th & 25th Infantry Division VIET NAM
NOTE: In September of 1967 one platoon from Charlie along with one platoon each from Alpha and Bravo were used to form "D" Company.

Anderson, "Doc" - Co. C.

Dodson, SP5 Leonard - 22Feb69 to 18Mar69. HHC - serving with Co. C - KIA in Hua Nghia Province at
the age of 20. Specialist Dodson was from New York, New York.

Gerry, SP4 Peter James "Doc" - 19Apr69 to 28Jul69. HHC Medic - serving with Co. C, 3rd platoon - KIA 28JUL69 in Hua Nghia Province (Citadel area) at the age of 18. Doc Gerry was from Quincy, Mass.

Green, SP4 Garry D. - 1968. Co. C Medic from Moline, ILL. [Co. B & Co. C] Passed away 2/12/2000

Hackett, Jon D. "Doc" - Dec69 to Oct70. Co. C medic from Pontiac, Michigan. WIA and evacuated.

Hatter, Francis "Doc" - 1970. Co. C, 3rd platoon medic in last part of '70.

Jones, SP4 James "Doc" - 1970. Co. C, 3rd platoon, medic.

Kindle, SP4 William Henry "Doc" - 11Feb69 to 27Apr69. Co. C KIA 27Apr69 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 21. Posthumous promotion to Sergeant. MOS: 91B20 (Medical NCO). Sergeant Kindle was from St. Paul, Minnesota.

Lasister, SP5 Wade E. "Doc" - Sep67 to Sep68. Co. C, 2nd platoon.

McConnell, SP4 John Steven "Steve" "Doc" - 28Aug67 to 16Nov67. KIA 16Nov67 (serving with Co. A) in Phouc Long Province. Age 20. With Co. C for a time before assignment to Co. A. Posthumous promotion to Sergeant. Sergeant McConnell was from Orville, Ohio and was married.

Meyer, SP4 Bob "Doc" - Dec68 to Sep69. Co. C, 3rd platoon, medic. Awarded Bronze Star (Valor). WIA (RPG) March 18, 1969.

Olson, Clarence - 1967-68. C Co., 4th platoon.

Solomon, SP4 Leavy C. "Doc" - 2 Sep 68 to 11 Jan 69. Co. C Medic KIA 11 JAN 69 in Hau Nghia Province at the age of 22. Specialist Solomon was from Palmetto, Georgia.

Wahrenbrock, SP4 Andy "Doc" - 10 JAN 68 to 15 Sep 68. WIA 23 MAY 68. C Co., 2nd platoon Medic from Covina, CA.
Deimler, SP4 Richard Lee - 8Aug68 to 4Mar69. Co. C KIA 4Mar69 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 21. Posthumous promotion to Sergeant. Sergeant Deimler was from Hummelstown, Pennsylvania.

Delamore, PFC Donald T - Oct66-Sep67

Delva, PFC Nick - 67-68 - Machine gunner, wounded  Feb 68 and sent home

Dewitt, SP4 Harold D - 1/68-1/69 - 2nd Plt

Digiacobbe, SGT Ron - 9/67-9/68

DiPetrillo, SGT Arthur - Jul 68-69, Co C, 4th Plt Mortar

Divan, SGT Steve - Apr68-69. Co. C, 1st platoon squad leader from Denver, CO.

Dixon, SGT James R - 8/67-8/68

Dixon, SP4 Leamon - 10/67-10/68 - 3rd Plt

Dodrill, SP4 Roger - 9/67-9/68

Donaldson, SFC Archie "Top" - Jun70 to May71. Co. C First Sergeant. NCOIC at Husky (Xuan Loc). When 2-12th left Viet-Nam in 1971 he was a member of the Color Honor and carried the American flag back tp Ft. Lewis. [First tour in 1966 as door-gunner -- after in the states made E-6 and E-7 before going back in 1970.]

Dover Jr, PFC Andrew - 9/68-9/69

Draper, SP4 Lou - 8/67-8/68, Mortar Plt and RTO - from Utah

Drewry, SGT Donald - 4/69 to 6/69 - 2nd Plt -  Bronze Star for valor awarded. From Texas

Duke, SP4 Cletus W - 10/66-9/67

Duke, SP4 Darryl E - 1/68-1/69 - 1st Plt

Duncan, PFC Billy - Co. C.

Duncan, SGT Charles F - Oct66-Sep67

Durden, PFC Grover D - 3/69-3/70  3rd Plt, from New Rochelle, NY.

Duval, SP4 Alan J - 9/67-9/68 - 2nd Plt

Dyer, SP4 Jerry L. "Tex" - 12/68 to 12/69. Co. C (CPT Morrow), 2nd Plt. Wounded three times.

Eastrom, PFC Michael R.

Eastwood, PFC Miles - 1970

Echols, PFC Michael L - 7/68-7/69

Eckhoff, PFC Albert L - Oct66-Sep67

Edwards, PFC Jerome M. "Mike" - Dec69 to Dec70. Co. C, 3rd platoon.

Ehlers, PVT Robert Frederick - 22Sep66 to 21Oct66. Co. C KIA 21Oct66. Private Ehlers was a mortarman (11C10). He was from St. Paul, Minnesota.

Eisenhart, SP4 Kenneth A. - Sep67-68. Co. C.

Eley, PFC Stephen W - 4/69-4/70

Elkins, SGT Michael B - 9/67-9/68 - 4th Plt Mortars

Ellard, SGT Cornelius - 1967. Co. C. Awarded Bronze Star (Merit)

Ellis, SGT Theodore H - Oct66-Sep67

Emeigh, SGT Michael George - 12Jun69 to 17Jul69. Co. C KIA 17Jul69 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 20. Posthumous promotion to Staff Sergeant. Sergeant Emeigh was from Port Huron, Michigan.

Erickson, PFC Richard Anton "Tony" - 22Sep66 to 24Jan67. Co. C casualty 24Jan67 at the age of 20. PFC Erickson drowned trying to save a local Vietnamese, and was awarded the Soldiers Medal for his actions. Private Erickson was from St. Paul, Minnesota.
[NOTE: The Soldiers Medal was a highly prized medal. It was awarded for heroism in a non-combat event and was rarely awarded. A soldier had to do something very extraordinary to be awarded the Soldiers Medal for heroism.]

Estenes, SP4 Martin J - 2nd Plt

Evans, SP4 Hommer L. - Sep1967-68. Co. C. Awarded Bronze Star medal.

Evans, PFC Wilma - 1967-68. Co. C.

Evers, PFC Gordon - 7/67-7/68 4th Plt Mortars

Eveslage, PFC Donald P - 8/68-8/69

Falk, SP4 John H - Oct66-Sep67

Federline, SP4 Marion "Chip" - 8/68-6/69, 2nd Plt, RTO, Awarded SS, BSM, from Carrollton, VA

Fennimore, PFC Gregory Scott - 10Sep67 to 20Nov67. Co. C KIA 20Nov67 in Tay Ninh Province from Elwood, Indiana.

Ferguson, SGT Thomas L. - Jul1967-68. Co. C. Machine gunner, then weapons squad leader, from N.M.

Finch, SP4 Gordon W - Oct66-Sep67

Findlay, PFC Chet B - 7/68-7/69 - 3rd Plt

Flood, SP4 Pat - 3/68 -3/69. Co. C, 3rd platoon, 1st squad rifleman from NY. Passed away June 2011

Foltz, Steve - 1970. Co. C, 3rd platoon point man

Forman, PFC Donald E - 10/66-9/67

Fowler, SGT Sidney F - 3/68-3/69 3rd Plt - left field in May and went to Resupply (HHC)

Fox, SGT Robert C - 10/66-9/67

Fragosa, SP4 John, 1969-70 from Santa Ana, California

Franken, PFC Arlin Dale - 21May69 to 17Jul69. Co. C KIA 17Jul69 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 21. Posthumous promotion to Corporal. Corporal Franken was from Sioux Cener, Iowa and married.

Francis, SP4 Gary - 8/68-8/69 - 4th Plt then HHC RTO. Awarded SS

Freeman, PFC Milford H

Freidig, SGT Dale D.  - 6/68-6/69, 2nd Plt., from Washington - left field in July after WIA and went to HHC

Frye, PFC Clifford K - Oct66-Sep67

Fullam, SGT Harold W. "Wayne" - 1969. Co. C.

Fuhrmann, SP4 Michael G - Oct66-Sep67

Fuller, PFC Robert L - Oct66-Sep67

Garcia-Maldonado, SP4 Jose I. - 9Nov66 to 30Apr67. Co. C KIA 30Apr67 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 20. Specialist Garcia-Maldonado was from Naguabo, Puerto Rico.

Garland, PFC James - Sep?1967-68. Co. C.

Garlock, SP4 Duane L - Oct66-Sep67

Garrett, Bobby "Peaches" - SEP67-68. Co. C.

Giesks, PFC Timothy J - Oct66-Sep67

Gillam, PFC Clyde "Butch" - Sep68-Sep69, 2nd Plt, from Bonanza, OR

Glass, SGT David - April 1967-68 2nd plt.-  Awarded Bronze Star (with "V" device for Valor).

Gleason, SGT Robert "Gums" - Feb69 to Feb70. Co. C, 3rd platoon squad leader.

Glenn, PFC David W - Oct66-Sep67

Goforth, PFC Wade A - Oct66-Sep67

Gollimur, PFC James R - Oct66-Sep67

Goodson, PFC Larry "Snuffy" - Dec68-Dec69, 2nd Plt, from Cataldo, ID

Gotchet, SP4 Kevin "Poncho" - 9/69-10/70, 1st Plt from San Francisco. Awarded BS

Graham, PFC Charles W - Oct66-Sep67

Granum, SGT Michael J. - 1st Plt - 1968-69. From Portland, OR.

Graza, (?first name?) - 1970-71. Assistant gunner for Stone.

Grega, PFC Albert C - Oct66-Sep67

Gregory, SP4 (promoted to SGT) Daniel L. - 1970. Co. C. Awarded Bronze Star (18 Sep 70).

Green, SGT Harry L "Cowboy" - Mar69-Mar70 - 4th plt mortars

Grument, Jack A. - Co. C.

Gurley, PFC Thomas - 6Jun67 to 20Jul67. Co. C KIA 20Jul67 in Binh Long Province at the age of 23. Private Gurley was from Somerville, Alabama

Gustafson, SGT Glenn "2/2" - 6/69-6/70 - 2nd plt - from Springfield, MA - awarded BS & PH

Haas, PFC David L - Oct66-Sep67

Hahn, PFC Michael L. - 1968. From Morton, WA.

Hale, PFC Philips A. - Sep?1967-68. Co. C.

Hall, SP4 Curtis Hall - 7/67-7/68 - 3rd Plt

Hall, PFC Dale - 1/69-1/70 - 3rd Plt from Minnesota

Hallberg, PFC Laverne W. - Sep?1967-68. Co. C.

Hamber, PFC James M - Oct66-Sep67

Hamelin, SP4 Phillip M - Sep66 to Sep67. Co. C rifleman.

Hanlon, PFC Thomas M. "Tom" - Co. C.

Hanson, PVT Gaylord - 2nd plt, Co. C. - 2/70-12/70

Hargrove, PFC Samuel - 1969.

Harris, PFC George S - Oct66-Sep67

Harthorn, Dave "Kid" - Dec69 to Nov70. Co. C.

Harvey, Danny - 1967-68. Co. C, Co. A & HHC.

Herreld, PFC Steven L. - Sep?1967-68. Co. C.

Hibma, PFC Anthony - 1969, 1st Plt, from Sioux City, Iowa

Hiburger, SGT Robert E. - 1967. Co. C. Bronze Star (merit).

Hickman, SP4 Everett - (Sep?)1967-68. Co. C.

Hicks, Ezel N. - Co. C.

Hilburger, SGT Robert E. - 1967. Co. C. Awarded Bronze Star (Merit).
Callahan, SP4 John G. - Sep68-Sep69. Co. C. Awarded the Bronze Star on 9Aug69.

Callison, SP4 James - 11/68-11/69

Canales, PFC Jesus - Oct66-Sep67

Caracappa, SFC Charles - Oct66-Sep67

Carpenter, SGT William - 7/68-7/69

Carr, PFC Danny R. - 1970. Co. C, 3rd platoon.

Carson, PFC Clarence - 12/68-69, 3rd Plt, 3rd squad

Carter, PFC Lance G - 10/66-9/67

Caster, PFC Robert - 11/68-11/69, 2nd Plt from Cleveland, Ohio

Caswell, PFC Earnest T - 10/66-9/67

Cavalli, SP4 Patrick -10/66-11/67

Champagne, SP4 Lucien - 12/68-12/69

Chaney, PFC James - 1970.

Chapman, SP4 William "Wild Bill" - 2/68-/2/69 - 11C20, 4th Plt Mortar, from Texas

Chapman, PFC Zack D. - Co. C.

Childester, SP4 Dennis J - Oct66-Sep67

Childs, PFC Ronald E - Oct66-Sep67

Christianson, SP4 Kenneth  - 4/68-4/69. Rifleman, 3rd Plt from Los Angeles, CA.  1/69 went to C Co 52nd Inf., 716th Bn, 18th M.P.  Brigade

Christy, SSG Charles S - 5/67-5/68

Clardy, SP4 Patrick - 12/68-12/69 - 3rd Plt

Coates, PFC Kenneth William - 9Jan68 to 5Feb68. Co. C KIA 5Feb68 in Binh Duong Province at the age of 20.  West Branch, MI

Cochran, PFC Williams C. - 8/67-8/68

Coleman, SP4 Craig - 6/68-6/69 3rd Plt RTO for Plt Ldr, from Fairfield, CA

Coleson, SP4 Richard "Radar" 3rd Plt , RTO for PSG, 9/68-9/69, from Iowa

Coller, PFC Ed - 4/68-4/69. Co. C, 2d Plt WIA.

Collins, Dec68-69 3rd Plt

Colon, PFC Xavier F - Oct66-Sep67

Coltson, SP4 Richard B. - 1969. Co. B. Awarded the Bronze Star Medal on 9AUG69.

Conley, SGT Alex Boyd - 9Sep68 to 3Dec68. Co. C KIA 3Dec68 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 22. Sergeant Conley was from Hampton, Virginia.

Conlin, SGT Richard Joseph - 25May68 to 14Dec68. Co. C KIA 14Dec68 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 22. Sergeant Conlin was from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Conway, Pat - Jun69 to Jun70. Co. C & HHC.

Cook, SSG Jimmy L - 3/67-3/68 - 1st Plt SSGT

Cook, SP4 Raymond - 1970. Awarded Bronze Star for valor.

Cooper, SGT Lester D. "Coop" - Dec65 to Dec67. Co. C. Awarded Bronze Star(Valor). From Pullman, WA.

Cornelius, PFC Scott - Sep?1967-68. Co. C.

Corum, SSG Terry - 3rd Plt, 4th Squad - 7/68-7/69, from Woodville, AL - went to LDS as instructor in Cu Chi

Cotto, SSG Angel L - Oct66-Sep67

Coughlin, PFC Ronald R - Oct66-Sep67

Coulter, PFC Robert W. - Sep 1967-68. Co. C. 2nd plt

Counts, PFC Gerald D. - Sep 1967-68. Co. C. 2nd plt

Crabtree, PFC Walter A -

Crank, PFC Douglas - 9/68-9/69 - 4th Plt

Crisel, PFC Darrell R - Oct66-Sep67

Croft, SGT Paul - 67-68 - from Florida - NCOIC for Special Services under LT Joel Willis

Crow Jr, PVT Elmer E - 12/68-12/69 1st Plt

Crowe, PFC Eddie C - 12/68-12/69

Crumrin, SSG Gary L - 1st Plt - 9/68-9/69 from Illinois

Cruse, SP4 - Ronald - 1/68-1/69 MOS 76Y20

Culler, Jack A. - Co. C.

Curry, PFC M. L. - 12Aug67 to 5Feb68. Co. C KIA 5Feb68 in Binh Duong Province at the age of 18. From Holly Springs, Mississippi.

Cuneo, SP4 Peter M - 7/67-7/68 MOS 11H20

Cyr, SSG Ronald - Oct66-Sep67

Dabin, SFC Eulogio - Feb66 to Mar67 -  1st platoon, Platoon Sergeant

Darnell, PFC Danny - 1969-70. Co. C RTO.

Dash, PFC - 12/68-12/69 3rd Plt

Davis - 1971. Co. C, 3rd platoon.

Davis, SP4 Harry T - 8/67-8/68

Davis, PFC John - 3/68-3/69

Davis, PFC Johnny V. - Sep67-68. Co. C.

Davis, SP4 Ken - 1st Plt 12/67-12/68, M-60 Gunner

Deal, SGT Robert "Bob" - Mar70 to May71. Co. C, 3rd platoon Platoon Sergeant

DeBlasio, Tony - 2nd Plt - 2/69-2/70, from Elmira, NY

Defiel, PFC Dennis M - Oct66-Sep67

Deglasio, SGT Anthony - 2/69-2/70
Ikegami, SGT Michael H. - 1969. Co. C. Awarded Bronze Star medal for valor.

Irving, SGT Robert "Bob" - 6Jan70 to 29Nov70. Co. C, 2nd platoon, platoon sergeant, platoon leader, and then ran CO and Officer's Club in Dau Tieg. Had a son born while "in counry."

Isbell, PFC Maurice L - Oct66-Sep67

Jackson, SP4 Roger D. - MAY67-MAY68. Co. C.

Jacobsen, SGT Arthur T - Oct66-Sep67 - 4th Plt, FDC 81MM, from Seattle, WA

Jencks, SP4 Harvey R - Oct66-Sep67

Jenkins, SP4 John M. - 1969. WIA in rocket attack in June 1969. Mortarman 11C.

Jochum, SP4 Ron - 68-69 Co. C. - 3rd Plt

Johanknecht, PFC Gary B - Oct66-Sep67

Johnson, PFC Robert W - Oct66-Sep67

Johnson, SP4 Ronnie - Sep1967-68. Co.C.

Jones, PFC Donald E - Oct66-Sep67

Jones, PFC Loren Cecil - 5Dec68 to 19Mar69. Co. C KIA 19Mar69 in Hua Nghia Province at the age of 20. Posthumous promotion to Corporal. Corporal Jones was from Unaka, North Carolina.

Jones, SP4 Norman H. - Sep1967-68. Co. C.

Jones, Ronnie - Co. C.

Jordan, SGT Martin - 1967. Co. C. Awarded Bronze Star (Merit).

Joseph, SP4 Aaron D - Oct66-Sep67

Judge, SP4 Roger - 20Aug68 to 18Aug69. Co. C. Hometown; Ontario, Calif.

Kanell, SGT Vernon L. - Oct66-Sep67 Co. C. Awarded Bronze Star (Merit)

Kartofels, PFC Svens - Oct66-Sep67

Keatts, SSG Lynwood - Jun68-Jun69 - 3rd platoon, 1st squad leader. From Gretna, VA

Keller, Rhul - Apr67-Apr68

Kennedy, SP4 Richard W - Oct66-Sep67

Kennedy, PFC Roy E. - Sep1967-68. Co. C.

Kerl, PFC Orville E - Oct66-Sep67

Kirker, PFC William J - Oct66-Sep67

Klein, PFC Jeffrey L - Oct66-Sep67

Knapp, SSG Tommy Duane - 5Feb68 to 4Apr68. Co. C KIA 4Apr68 in Tay Ninh Province at the age of 21. Regular Army (RA) with three years service at the time of his death. Staff Sergeant Knapp was from Des Moines, Iowa.

Kneeland, SP4 Kenneth J. - 1969

Koemans, Max - 1969. Co. C.

Koon, PFC Orion - Sep?1967-68. Co. C.

Krause, SSG Arnold  Mar68-Mar69 - 3rd Plt - Weapons squad, Plt Ldr RTO, 3rd squad leader, 3rd plt. temp Plt Sgt, BSM,  from Santa Rosa, California

Krofek, SP4 Mark - Apr67 to Nov67. Co. C.

Kruse, SGT Merlyn - 1969. Co. C. Bronze Star for valor awarded.

Kuhnau, SP4 Darrel 4/68-4/69 - rifleman 3rd plt, then xfer to mortar plt in Jan69

Kusilek, PFC Lawrence R - Oct66 - 16Feb 67, KIA'd in Tay Ninh Province

La Gault, SFC Victor D. - Co. C 1st Sergeant ("Top") from about Sept. 67- Sept. 1968 .

Lambert, SP4 Dennis Michael - 24Feb69 to 2Oct69. Co. C KIA 2Oct69 in Binh Duong Province at the
age of 21. Posthumous promotion to Sergeant. Sergeant Lambert was from New York, New York.

Langley, SGT Mike R. - Co. C.

Larson, PFC Robert T. - 1967-68. Co. C

LeBlanc, PFC Gerald Thomas - 18Apr68 to 17May68. Co. C KIA 17May68 in Hua Nghia Province at the
age of 21. Private Le Blanc was from Port Allen, Louisiana.

Leedy, SP4 James A - Oct66-Sep67

Lester, PFC Willie L - Oct66-Sep67

LeVan, SGT Charles - Mar67-Mar68. Co. C., 3rd Plt - did back to back tours; 2nd tour, 25th Av Bn [Retired as Master Sergeant 1jun86.] from South Carolina

Lewis, SP4 John - Sep?1967-68. Co. C.

Lewis, Mike - C Co.escort team 1968-69.

Lidell, PFC James M. - Sep?1967-68. Co. C.

Lightner, SGT Ellsworth "Lightning" - Mar68-Mar69. Co. C. 1st platoon, 2nd squad leader (Mar to Nov68). Cu Chi supply & convoy duty Nov68 to Mar69. From Pennsylvania

Liljestrand, Ken - Co. C.

Lofties, Jr., PFC Emmit - Sep 1967-68. Co. C.

Longley, Mike - 1970. Co. C, 3rd platoon.

Loomis, SP4 Albert R. - Sep 1967-68. Co. C.

Longley, Mike - 1970. Co. C, 3rd platoon.

Losh, PFC Raymond F. - 1970. Co. C.

Loving, PFC Gene - Jun 69-Jun70. Co. C,  2nd Plt From Chester, S.C..

Lowery, "Skip" - 1970. Co. C.

Lowry, SP4 William Allison "Sonny" - 5Mar68 to 10Dec68. Co. C KIA 10Dec68 at the age of 22. Specialist Lowry was a mortarman (11C20) and RTO. He was from Asheville, North Carolina and married.

Lund, SGT Jim - 15JUL67 to JAN68. At Dau Tieng.

Lundby, SP4 Lorence Marion - 28Jun67 to 4Mar68. Co. C KIA 4Mar68 in Gia Dinh Province at the age of 24. Specialist Lundby was from Waterloo, Iowa and was married.

Luniewicz, SP4 Jim J. - 1969

Lyons, SP4 (promoted SGT) Virgil R. - 1968. Co. C.

Hildebrandt, SGT Harry A. - Jun1967-68. Co. C, 3rd Plt

Hill, Ricky - Co. C.

Hill, SSG William "Fox" - Apr68-69-  4th Squad, 3rd Plt - gunner from New York. Passed away Oct 2002

Hogan, PFC Thomas M - Oct66-Sep67

Holloman, SP4 Miles - Jul69 to Sep70. Co. C, 2nd platoon, RTO Jul69 to Jan70. Then to Battalion TOC RTO from Jan70 to Sep70. WIA Dec69 by "spent" 50 cal. round.